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QAR. Q stands for Question A stands for Answer R stands for Relationship.

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2 Q stands for Question A stands for Answer R stands for Relationship

3 Why do I need to know the type of question I am being asked? Knowing what type of question you are being asked, helps you find the answers

4 There are two Kinds of Relationships between Questions and Answers In the book –These are questions where the answer makes you go back to the text In your head –These are questions where the answer comes from your head

5 In the book types of questions RIGHT THERE: The answer is clearly stated in the text. The key words used in the question and the key words used in answer usually match. THINK AND SEARCH: The answer is in the text but the words in the question and the words in the answer are not found in the same sentence. The reader must put together information from different places to get the answer.

6 In your head types of questions AUTHOR AND ME: The reader uses information from the text as well as information in your head to come up with an answer. ON MY OWN: The reader uses information already has in their head that comes from personal experiences to answer the question.

7 Jeff has been living in Martinsville his entire life. However, tomorrow he and his family would be moving 200 miles away to Petersburg. Jeff hated the idea of Jeff hated the idea of having to move. He would be leaving behind his best friend, Rick, the baseball team he had played on for the last two years, and the big oak tree in his backyard, where he liked to sit and think. And to make matters worse, he was moving on his birthday! Jeff would be thirteen tomorrow. He was going to be a teenager! He wanted to spend the day with his friends, not watching his house being packed up and put on a truck. Jeff thought that moving was a horrible way to spend his birthday. What about a party? What about spending the day with his friends? What about what he wanted? But that was just the problem. No one ever asked Jeff what he wanted.

8 Right There How long has Jeff lived in Martinsville? To answer this question we need to look for a number or a time word like month, year etc. Jeff has been living in Martinsville his entire life. However, tomorrow he and his family would be moving 200 miles away to Petersburg. Jeff hated the idea of… Answer: Jeff has lived there his entire life.

9 Right There What is the name of the town where Jeff and his family are moving? –I will be looking for a place name. I need to remember to look for the place he is moving to and not the place he lives in now. Jeff has been living in Martinsville his entire life. However, tomorrow he and his family would be moving 200 miles away to Petersburg. Jeff hated the idea of… Answer: Jeff will be moving to Petersburg.

10 Right There What is the name of Jeff’s best friend? –We will be looking for a name of a person. Jeff hated the idea of Jeff hated the idea of having to move. He would be leaving behind his best friend, Rick, the baseball team he had played on for the last two years, and the big oak tree in his backyard, where he liked to sit… Answer: His best friend’s name is Rick.

11 Think and Search Does Jeff like the baseball team he has played on for the last two years? –I’ll need evidence to support my answer. He would be leaving behind his best friend, Rick, the baseball team he had played on for the last two years, and the big oak tree in his backyard, where he liked to sit… Answer: Yes, Jeff enjoyed playing on the baseball team because he has been playing for two years and is sad to leave.

12 Think and Search How did Jeff want to celebrate his birthday? –I’ll need evidence from the text to support my answer. Jeff thought that moving was a horrible way to spend his birthday. What about a party? What about spending the day with his friends? What about what he wanted? Answer: He wanted to celebrate his birthday by having a party with is friends.

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