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The Later Middle Ages By: Terran Chan Ross Mottola Joey Ludwig George Psaros.

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Presentation on theme: "The Later Middle Ages By: Terran Chan Ross Mottola Joey Ludwig George Psaros."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Later Middle Ages By: Terran Chan Ross Mottola Joey Ludwig George Psaros

2 Group Members Terran Chan – created presentation Joey Ludwig – made questions 1-5 Ross Mottola – made questions 6-10 George Psaros – proof read/presenting

3 Question 1 When did England pass into a period known as the Later Middle Ages?

4 Answer 1 By the time of the Black Death.

5 Question 2 When did the feudal system go into decline?

6 Answer 2 During the Later Middle Ages

7 Question 3 How long did the Later Middle Ages last?

8 Answer 3 From the beginning of the 14 th century to the end of the 15 th century.

9 Question 4 What happened in 1381?

10 Answer 4 Peasants in Southern England staged a revolt.

11 Question 5 What happened to this revolt?

12 Answer 5 It was crushed but the peasants were still discontent.

13 Question 6 Who is John Wycliffe?

14 Answer 6 A scholar who believed that all the Christian faith came from the Bible, not the Church.

15 Question 7 What did Wycliffe contribute to the Religion?

16 Question 7 He directed the translation of the Bible into English in the hope of making it more accessible to the people.

17 Question 8 Why did the Archbishop of Canterbury move against the Lollards?

18 Question 8 He thought that the lollards were heretics, people who attacked the church doctrine and undermined the church’s authority.

19 Question 9 Why do they call it the “War of the Roses”?

20 Question 9 When Richard and King Henry went to war for the throne it is called the War of the Roses because the symbol for the house of York was the white rose, and the house of Lancaster’s symbol was the red rose.

21 Question 10 How did the Wars of the Roses end?

22 Question 10 Henry Tudor a cousin of the Lancastrian Kings led an attack on King Richard and killed him. Later marrying Richard’s niece he united the houses of the York and the Lancaster house with peace.

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