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UNIT 3 RELIGIOUS ATTRACTIONS Text B Mt. Wutai 1. SCOPE  Pre-reading Preparation  Basic Knowledge  Language Focus  Questions Based on Text  Phrases.

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2 SCOPE  Pre-reading Preparation  Basic Knowledge  Language Focus  Questions Based on Text  Phrases Translation  Homework

3 Pre-reading Questions What are the four sacred Buddhist Mountains in China? When did Buddhism enjoy its zenith? How much do you know about Shanxi?

4 Basic Knowledge Shanxi

5 Mt. Wutai Map of Shanxi

6 Four sacred Buddhist Mountains in China Mt. Emei---Sichuan

7 Mt. Putuo---zhejiang

8 Mt. Jiuhua---Anhui

9 Five Most Famous Temples Xiantong Temple

10 Tayuan Temple

11 Manjusri Temple

12 Shuxiang Temple

13 Luohou Temple

14 Wooden lotus-shaped flower

15 sacred adj. 神圣的;宗教的 Sacred fire / cow/ art e.g. We have a sacred trust for people who put on the uniform of the United States. zenith n. 顶峰;顶点;最高点 e.g. His career is now at its zenith. prestigious adj. 有名望的;享有声望的 e.g. It is the first time the prestigious art prize has been held in Northern Ireland. Language Focus

16 Lie in 位于 Four major Buddhist Mountains 佛教四大名山 Pay homage 朝拜 Enjoy its zenith 处于鼎盛 Be dedicated to 献给 Language Focus

17 Legend says that …… 传说 …… Around the time of …… 大约在 …… 时候 Language Focus

18 What attracts visitors to go to Mt. Wutai? Where is Mt. Wutai? Can you name at least 3 famous temples on Mt. Wutai? Which temple attracts you most? Mt. Wutai is said to be dedicated to whom? Questions

19 佛教经文 来自中国以及亚洲其他国家的朝圣者 佛教仪式 晨钟暮鼓 吸引眼球的白塔 Translation

20 Homework  Preview Text C

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