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Presentation on theme: "CAREER TECHNICAL EDUCATION FACILITIES PROGRAM Cycle 2 Conversions."— Presentation transcript:


2 OVERVIEW CTEFP Cycle 2 Deadlines Required Document Submission Detailed Cost Estimate Change of Scope Linked to Qualifying SFP OPSC Review and Verification SAB Form 50-05 and Matching Share Fund Release

3 DOCUMENT SUBMITTAL DEADLINES Districts must submit a detailed construction cost estimate that indicates all planning, construction, and site development costs based on the final California Division of the State Architect (DSA) and the Department of Education (CDE) approved plans and specifications for each project submitted to the OPSC by December 10, 2010.

4 DOCUMENT SUBMITTAL DEADLINES (continued…) To reserve sufficient review and processing time for the DSA and CDE, it is suggested that districts submit plans and specifications to DSA and CDE no later than September 10, 2010.

5 Required Documents for Reservation of Funds Conversion  DSA and CDE approval letters  DSA approved plans and specifications  Final Detailed Construction Cost Estimate  Change Order Worksheet* * If applicable.

6 Detailed Construction Cost Estimate Must represent all construction and site development work as indicated on the DSA approved plans. Quantities and unit costs must be listed for all items. The template can be found on the OPSC website at: s/CTE_CE_GL.xls An example of required detail is as follows:

7 Detailed Construction Cost Estimate (continued…)

8 Detailed Construction Cost Estimate (continued…) Allowable Soft Costs Sub Total $0 Estimate Sub-total $0 General Conditions (includes Soft Costs)9% $0 The percentage is allowed in lieu of all Division 1 line items from above. If Division 1 is completed, then this section will automatically populate with "N/A". General Requirements, Overhead & Profit, Bonds9% $0 Design Fees8% $0 Inspection1% $0 Escalation4% $0 DSA fees0.7% $0 Estimate Sub-Total $0 Equipment Total (Division 11) $0 Cost Estimate Total $0

9 Detailed Construction Cost Estimate (continued…) Costs will be compared to industry standard pricing (Leland Saylor Publication). Lump sums that cannot be verified will not be accepted. Further information can be found in the Architect’s Submittal Guidelines at: lications/Handbooks/Arch_Sub.pdf lications/Handbooks/Arch_Sub.pdf

10 Change of Scope If the project undergoes a change of scope after apportionment, the Applicant must issue a letter for approval addressing the following: 1.Detailed narrative of the proposed change and reason for the change including variations in square footage and facility components. 2.Impact on the program resulting from the proposed change. 3.Original project schematics and proposed schematic. 4.Original equipment list and proposed equipment list. 5.Approval from the District Career Technical Education Advisory Committee.

11 MAXIMUM GRANT AMOUNTS New Construction $3 Million Maximum Modernization $1.5 Million Maximum “PER PROJECT PER SCHOOL SITE” Allows for multiple projects at a single school site. Projects are defined by Industry Sector. Apportionments cannot be increased.

12 CTEFP Reservation of Funds Grant Application to CDE Funding Application To OPSC DSA/CDE Approvals & Docs. SAB Approval Fund Release Reservation of Funds OPSC Review & Approval

13 CTEFP with a SFP PROJECT CTEFP Project may be combined with a SFP NC or Mod application: The SFP application must be submitted before or concurrently with the CTE Project. If New Construction, funding included in SFP grant is deducted to determine CTEFP grant. All Site development is requested within the SFP application. If SFP application previously submitted, the application must meet the following: CTEFP facilities included in the original DSA approved plans and specifications for the SFP application. New Construction classrooms for the CTE project were not occupied prior to May 20, 2006. Construction contracts for modernized classrooms were executed on or after May 20, 2006.

14 MATCHING SHARE REQUIREMENT  Dollar for Dollar (50% - 50%) New Construction and Modernization  Applicant’s share may come from any source Private industry groups, school district, county office of education (COE), or a Joint Powers Authority (JPA)  No Financial Hardship for CTEFP Local contribution cannot be waived  Loan Program Loan paid over time with interest Term is 10 years with a one-time extension, if eligible Loan rate is based on the Pooled Money Investment Board Interest begins to accrue on fund release date

15 MATCHING FUNDS Education Code Section 17078.72(g)(1) states "A school district shall contribute from local resources a dollar amount that is equal to the amount of the grant of state funds..." District’s/JPA’s matching share can be in the form of: Perkins funds targeted for CTE equipment associated with the project may be used as match. Only ROCP funds from capital outlay and equipment replacement reserves associated with the project may be used. CTE Equipment Grant under Assembly Bill 1802 Private business and industry cash donations Other funds may be used if they are not restricted or limited for any other purpose. CTEFP Loan

16 PROGRAM ACCOUNTABILITY  All applications are subject to: Substantial Progress report Project is Complete once a Notice of Completion is submitted or four years from Fund Release Accountability Expenditure Audit may be conducted  Not subject to 60% commensurate requirement  Applicant cannot retain savings  CTEFP funds rescinded or returned shall be made available for apportionment in subsequent cycles.

17 FUND RELEASE  Apportioned as a Reservation of funds project One year from apportionment to submit the DSA and CDE plan approvals, DSA approved plans and specifications and detailed construction cost estimate. 18 months from the date of final approval letter to submit a Form SAB 50-05.  Loan for the entire matching share Ten percent of the CTEFP grant will be released within 30 calendar days of apportionment. One year from apportionment to submit the DSA and CDE plan approvals, DSA approved plans and specifications and detailed construction cost estimate, if applicable, to the OPSC. 18 months from the date of final approval letter to submit a Form SAB 50-05.

18 CTEFP RESOURCES OPSC – s/ctefp.htm s/ctefp.htm Architect Submittal Guidelines- ns/Handbooks/Arch_Sub.pdf National Center for Education Statistics – CTE FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions link under CTEFP on the OPSC website.

19 OPSC CONTACTS Lina Lyda, Supervisor (916) 375-4027 OPSC Project Managers –Julius McIntyre (916) 375-4126 –Nate Higgins (916) 375-4142


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