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Beguiling using slyness to delude someone; charming Adjective.

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Presentation on theme: "Beguiling using slyness to delude someone; charming Adjective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beguiling using slyness to delude someone; charming Adjective

2 The beguiling witch tricked Snow White into eating the red apple “Circe, in her beguiling voice, while on her loom she wove ambrosial fabric sheer and bright, by that craft known to the goddesses of heaven”

3 Foreboding Fearful apprehension; a feeling that something bad will happen. Noun

4 Most people who walk into a dark alley have a foreboding feeling about it. “But working with dry lips to speak a word he could not, being so shaken; blinding tears welled in his eyes; foreboding filled his heart.”

5 Assuage to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease verb

6 to assuage one's pain. “thus to assuage the nations of the dead I pledged these rights, then slashed the lamb and ewe, letting their black blood stream into the well pit.”

7 Abominably very unpleasant; disagreeable; horrible adverb

8 The weather was abominable last week. “But that is the den of scylla, where she yaps abominably, a newborn whelp’s cry though she is huge and monstrous.”

9 Ardor Strong enthusiasm or devotion noun

10 He spoke with great ardor when speaking about his new car. “The lovely voices in ardor appealing over the water made me crave to listen, and I tried to say ‘untie me!’ to the crew, jerking my brows; but they bent steady to the oars”

11 Travail painful or excessive effort noun

12 There was to much travail at the girls job so she quite. “And all the this time, in travail, sobbing, gaining on the current, we rowed into the strait-Scyalla to port and on our starboard beam Charybdis, dire gorge of the salt sea tide.”

13 Incredulity lack of belief noun

14 Everyone showed incredulity towards the UFO “Only Telemachus, uncomprehending, wild with incredulity, cried out:”you cannot be my father Odysseus!”

15 Keen sharp, piercing, or biting noun

16 a funeral lament sung with loud wailing “salt tears rose from the wells of longing in both men, and cries burst from both as Keen and fluttering as those of the great taloned hawk, whose nestlings farmers take before fly.”

17 Quiver A portable case for holding arrows noun

18 The archer took another arrow from his quiver “Then back she went to face the crowded hall, tremendous bow in hand, and on her shoulder hung the quiver spiked with coughing death.”

19 Implements Tools or instruments used in doing work Noun

20 Erasers are implements for erasing marks made by pencils “behind her maids bore a basket full of axe heads, bronze, and iron implements for the master’s game.”

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