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The Obedience Trap. Barrington H. Brennen The Parenting Trap South England Camp Meeting June 11 to 16, 2012 The Winning Way.

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Presentation on theme: "The Obedience Trap. Barrington H. Brennen The Parenting Trap South England Camp Meeting June 11 to 16, 2012 The Winning Way."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Obedience Trap

2 Barrington H. Brennen The Parenting Trap South England Camp Meeting June 11 to 16, 2012 The Winning Way

3 Rules/Obedience What should be the focus of parents? Love/Relationships

4 Rules without relationships breed chaos.

5 The Power of Obedience

6 When you ask your ten year old child to turn off the television, what do you want your child to do? Conform Comply Transform The answer to this question is the bottom line to successful parenting

7 Compliance Conformity Transformation The Three Kinds of Obedience

8 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 English Standard Version 2001 Change Process Analyzing Wisdom The best choice. Productive. Healing. Character development

9 Definitions Conformity: Pressure to go along. –Romans 12:2 –1 Peter 1:14-15 Compliance: This is doing something simply because someone told you to do so. Transformation: This is doing because to understands and accepts it as your own personal value.

10 The Old Testament ▪‘‘Obey'' translates the Hebrew ‘‘to hear'' ▪Gen. 22:18 ▪Isa. 42:24

11 Romans 10:17 "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

12 Hebrew ▸ Hebrew word translated as obey is “shama.” –There are 1159 occurrences ▪"hear" 785 times ▪"hearken" 196 times ▪"obey" 81 times ▪"publish" 17 times ▪"understand" nine times ▪"obedient" eight times ▪"diligently" eight times ▪"shew" six times ▪"sound" three times ▪"declare" three times ▪"discern" twice ▪"noise"" twice ▪"perceive" twice ▪"tell" twice ▪"reported" twice

13 Transformation Biblical Obedience is Godly Obedience

14 Godly Obedience Has Three Components ▪Understanding ▸ It is reasonable ▸ Isaiah 1:17-19 ▪Empowerment ▸ 2 Samuels 22:33 ▸ John 1:12 ▸ Romans 1:16 ▪Transformation ▸ Romans 12:1-2

15 Methods Make your demands simple and clear. Speak once. Follow up with consequences. Speak softly. Do not scream and shout. Be willing to apologize. Establish rituals. Let the children participate in setting the rules. Spend time with them. Allow them to act crazy at times. It’s okay. Remember you were once crazy. You were once a child.

16 "As the family goes, so goes the nation."

17 "As the family goes, so goes the church."

18 "As the family goes, so goes the family."

19 "As the family goes, so goes the individual."

20 That’s All Folks

21 1-242-327-1980

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