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1 Corinthians 16. 1.What truths did Paul teach the Christians regarding the faithful stewardship of money? Regular, Planned, Individual, Proportionate.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Corinthians 16. 1.What truths did Paul teach the Christians regarding the faithful stewardship of money? Regular, Planned, Individual, Proportionate."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Corinthians 16

2 1.What truths did Paul teach the Christians regarding the faithful stewardship of money? Regular, Planned, Individual, Proportionate Why the offering? For believers in Jerusalem because of famine Why send a delegation? Paul could not be accused of misappropriation of funds, foster brotherly fellowship

3 Psalm 50:9-12 What belongs to God? Everything Job 38:4-21 What does the LORD control? Everything – nature and history What do these passages teach us about nature, our possessions and occupation? It all belongs to the Lord and He is in control. He will bless us as He chooses.

4 Proverbs 3:9-10 What are our “firstfruits”? Our first and best What does God promise as we honor Him with our offerings? We will have more than we need Malachi 3:8-11 In what two ways does the Lord provide for us? By increasing income and decreasing outflow

5 Based on the previous passages respond to the following: “I don’t have anything to give.” “All the church wants is my money.” “I don’t let the church tell me how to spend my money.” “Why don’t we appeal to the community to help us out financially.” “I live on a fixed income.”

6 Evaluate this Pattern “The parents who send their kids to the Lutheran School should pay.” “We need to get the delinquents back in church.” “We need to do more evangelism so we have more people to pay the bills.” “I can/should do better.”

7 2.Paul could not visit the Corinthians as soon as he would have liked. For what two reasons did he have to remain in Ephesus? A door for effective work was opened There were many who were opposed to Paul – yet he stayed

8 3.Why were the Corinthians to receive Timothy in love and treat him with respect? He had been called to do the Lord’s work What are some stereotypes of “young pastors”. Energetic, good with youth, new ideas, etc. Why are those stereotypes dangerous? They assume things that are not always true.

9 4.On the basis of verses 21-24, describe the kind of man who wrote 1 Corinthians. Deep love for God and his word, and deeply concerned about the Corinthians 5.Give specific ways your congregation can put verses 13 and 14 into practice. Be in the Word, encourage each others, keep each other honest and on the path, Christian discipline if necessary

10 6.What light do verses 15 and 16 shed on how we should treat workers in the church? Respect and imitate them if they are respectable and able to be imitated 7.The final greetings in this chapter paint a picture of Christians who were separated by miles and yet cherished their fellowship. How can we do the same thing in our synod? Answers will vary

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