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Divide-and-Conquer & Dynamic Programming Divide-and-Conquer: Divide a problem to independent subproblems, find the solutions of the subproblems, and then.

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Presentation on theme: "Divide-and-Conquer & Dynamic Programming Divide-and-Conquer: Divide a problem to independent subproblems, find the solutions of the subproblems, and then."— Presentation transcript:

1 Divide-and-Conquer & Dynamic Programming Divide-and-Conquer: Divide a problem to independent subproblems, find the solutions of the subproblems, and then merge the solutions of the subproblems to the solution of the original problem. Dynamic Programming: Solve the subproblems (they may overlap with each other) and save their solutions in a table, and then use the table to solve the original problem. Example 1: Compute Fibonacci number f(0)=0, f(1 ) =1 , f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2) Using Divide-and-Conquer: F(n) = F(n-1) + F(n-2) F(n-2) + F(n-3) + F(n-3) + F(n-4) F(n-3)+F(n-4) + F(n-4)+F(n-5) + F(n-4)+F(n-5) + F(n-5) + F(n-6) ……………………. Computing time: T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2), T(1) = 0 T(n) = O(2 ) Using Dynamic Programmin: Computing time=O(n) n Chapter 8 Dynamic Programming (Planning)

2 Example 2The matrix-train mutiplication problem

3 Structure of an optimal parenthesization

4 Matrix Size A1 30×35 A2 35×15 A3 15×5 A4 5×10 A5 10×20 A6 20×25 Input 1 33 333 3335 1 2 3 4 5 i j 1 2 3 4 5 s[i,j] 6 5 3 2 4 6 5 3 2 4 i j m[i,j] 1512510500537535005000 0 11875712525001000 0 93754375750 0 78752625 0 15750 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1

5 Matrix-Chain-Order(p) 1 n := length[p] -1; 2 for i = 1 to n 3 do m[i,i] := 0; 4 for l =2 to n 5 do {for i=1 to n-l +1 6 do { j := i+ l-1; 7 m[i,j] := ; 8 for k = i to j-1 9 do {q := m[i,k]+m[k+1,j] +p p p ; 10 if q < m[i,j] 11 then {m[i,j] :=q; 12 s[i,j] := k}; }; }; 13 return m, s; Input of algorithm: p, p, …, p ( The size of A = p * p ) Computing time O(n ) 8 i-1 kj 01nii+1i 3

6 Example 3Longest common subsequence (LCS) A problem from Bioinformatics: the DNA of one organism may be S1 = ACCGGTCGAGTGCGCGGAAGCCGGCCGAAA, while the DNA of another organism may be S2 = GTCGTTCTTAATGCCGTTGCTCTGTAAA. One goal of comparing two strands of DNA is to determine how “similar” the two strands are, as some measure of how closely related the two organisms are. Problem Formulization Given a sequence X = ( ), another sequence Z = ( ) is a subsequence of X if there exists a strictly increasing sequence ( ) of indices of X such that for all j = 1, 2, …k, we have. Theorem Let X = ( ) and Y = ( ) be sequence, and Z = ( ) be any LCS of X and Y. Find a match Didn’t find a match

7 Let c[i,j] be the length of an LCS of the sequences Procedure Print-LCS(c,X,i,j) 1 if i = 0 or j = 0 then return 2 if c[i,j] = c[i-1,j-1] + 1 then { Print-LCS(c,X,i-1,j-1) print X[i] } else if c[i-1, j] > c[i,j-1] then Print-LCS(c,X,i-1,j) else Pring-LCS(c,X,i,j-1) Procedure LCS-Length(X,Y) m := length[X]; n := length[Y]; for i := 0 to m do c[i, 0] := 0 for j := 0 to n do c[0,j] := 0 for i := 1 to m do for j := 1 to n do if X[i] = Y[j] then c[i,j] := c[i-1, j-1] +1 else if c[i-1,j] > c[i,j-1] then c[i,j] := c[i-1,j] else c[i,j] := c[i,j-1] return c Find a match Didn’t find a match

8 Chapter 9 Greedy Technique Greedy Technique: It makes a locally optimal choice in the hope that this choice will lead to a globally optimal solution. Example 1 Activity-selection problem 1 resource: such as classroom n activities : S={1,2,…n} Activity i has a start time and a finish time i.e., activity i takes place during time interval The activity-selection problem is to select a maximum-size of mutually compatibal activities.

9 Greedy-Activity-Selector(S,f) 1 n := length[S]; 2 A = {1}; 3 j = 1; 4 for i = 2 to n 5 do if 6 then { A = AU{i} 7 j = i;}; 8 return A; Example 1 1 4 2 3 5 3 0 6 4 5 7 5 3 8 6 5 9 7 6 10 8 8 11 9 8 12 10 2 13 11 12 14 Computing time = O(n)

10 Example 2 Huffman Code Considering the problem of designing a binary character code wherein each character is represented by a unique binary code Fixed length code: each character is coded with same length. For example: to code 6 characters a, b, c, d, e, f, 3 bits are needed, where a=000, b=001, c=010, d=011, e=100, f=101. Variable-length code: giving frequent characters short codewords and infrequent characters long codewords. a b c d e f Frequency (in thousands) 45 13 12 16 9 5 Fixed-length codeword 000 001 010 011 100 10 Variable-length codeword 0 101 100 111 1101 1100 A data file of 100,000 characters contains only the characters a – f with the frequencies indicated. 300,000 bits are needed for fixed length code. Using variable-length code only (45x1+ 13x3 + 12x3+ 16x3 + 9x4 + 5x4 )x1000 = 224000 bits are needed.

11 Prefix codes No codeword is also a prefix of some other codeword 100 a :45 55 25 30 c :12 b:13 14 d:16 f:5 e:9 0 1 01 0 1 0 1 0 1

12 Constructing a Huffman code Greedy technique: the character with higher frequency has smaller depth. ( a) f:5 e:9 c:12 b:13 d:16 a:45 (b) c:12 b:13 14 d:16 a:45 f:5 e:9 (c) 14 d:16 25 a:45 (d) 25 30 a:45 f:5 e:9 c:12 b:13 c:12 b:13 14 d:16 f:5 e:9 (e) a:45 55 (f) 100 25 30 a:45 55 c:12 b:3 14 d:16 25 30 f:5 e:9 c:12 e:13 14 d:16 f:5 e:9 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 01 C: the set of characters. f(c): c’s frequency Huffman(C) 1 n:= |C|; Q := C; 2 for i = 1 to n-1 3 do {z := New-Node(); 4 x := left[z] :=Extract-Min(Q ); y := right[z] :=Extract-Min(Q) 5 f[z] := f[x] + f[y] 6 Insert(Q, z)}; 7 Return Q Computing time Q is a priority queue. Initialization of Q: O(n) for statement: n - 1 times of each using O(logn) time. Totoally, O(nlogn) time.

13 Example 3 Single-source shortest-paths problem For a given vertex called the source in a weighted connected graph, find shortest paths to all other vertices. s y v x u 7 2 5 3 2 9 10 4 1 6 s y v x u 7 2 5 3 2 9 4 1 6 Find shortest paths from source s Input: Graph G=(V,E) Weight w(u,v) for each edge (u,v) Adjacent list Adj[v] for each vertex v Output: p(v): parent of v on shortest path from s to v d[v]: weight of the shortest path from s to v V={s,u,v,x,y}, E={(s,u),(s,x),(x,y),(u,x),(x,u),(u,v),(x,v),(v,y),(y,v),(y,s)} w(s,u)=10,w(s,x)=5,w(x,y)=2,… Adj[s]={x,u}, Adj[x]={y,u,v},… p(x)=s, p(u)=x, p(y)=x, p(v)=u d[s]=0,d[x]=5,d[y]=7,d[u]=8,d[v]=9

14 uvs w(u,v)d[u] d[v] Initilization s y v x u 7 2 5 3 2 9 10 4 1 6 G 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 4 1 6 ∞ uv y x s ∞ ∞∞ Relaxiation Repeatly selecting an edge to improve the shortest paths found so far. Supposing that edge (u,v) is selected and d[v] is the weight of the shortest path from s to v found so far, if d[v] < d[u]+w(u,v) then the shortest path from s to v is improved as follows: p(v)=u and d[v]=d[u]+w(u,v)

15 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 10 4 1 6 ∞ uv y x s ∞ ∞∞ 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 4 1 6 8 uv y x s 14 75 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 10 4 1 6 uv y x s ∞ ∞ 5 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 4 1 6 8 uv y x s 13 75 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 10 4 1 6 8 uv y x s 9 75 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 4 1 6 8 uv y x s 9 75 Red vertices: processed Green vertices: unprocessed

16 Dijkstra’s Algorithm S: Set of the processed vertices Q: Set of the unprocessed vertices. Each vertex v of Q has a value d[v]. Q is constructed to be a priority queue. Adjacent list Adj[v] for each vertex v in Graph G. Greedy-technique: repeatly select a vertex from Q who is closest to s so far. S: d:d[s]=0,d[u]=d[v]=d[x]=d[y]=∞ Q: s,u,v,x,y Q: u,x,v,y S: s d: d[s]=0,d[u]=3, d[v]=∞ , d[x]=5,d[y]=∞ Q: x,v,y S: s,u d: d[s]=0,d[u]=3,d[v]=9,d[x]=5,d[y]=∞ Q: v,y S: s,u,x d: d[s]=0,d[u]=3,d[v]=9,d[x]=5,d[y]=9 Q: y S: s,u,x,v d: d[s]=0,d[u]=3,d[v]=9,d[x]=5,d[y]=9 Q: S: s,u,x,v,y d: d[s]=0,d[u]=3,d[v]=9,d[x]=5,d[y]=9 初期化 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 10 4 1 6 ∞ uv y x s ∞ ∞∞

17 S: d:d[s]=0,d[u]=d[v]=d[x]=d[y]=∞ Q: s,u,v,x,y Q: u,x,v,y S: s d: d[s]=0,d[u]=10, d[v]=∞ , d[x]=5,d[y]=∞ Q: u,v,y S: s,x d: d[s]=0,d[u]=8,d[v]=14,d[x]=5,d[y]=7 Q: u,v S: s,x,y d: d[s]=0,d[u]=8,d[v]=13,d[x]=5,d[y]=7 Q: v S: s,u,x,y d: d[s]=0,d[u]=8,d[v]=9,d[x]=5,d[y]=7 Q: S: s,u,x,v,y d: d[s]=0,d[u]=8,d[v]=9,d[x]=5,d[y]=7 Initiliation 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 10 4 1 6 ∞ uv y x s ∞ ∞∞ 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 4 1 6 8 uv y x s 14 75 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 10 4 1 6 uv y x s ∞ ∞ 5 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 4 1 6 8 uv y x s 13 75 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 10 4 1 6 8 uv y x s 9 75 0 7 2 5 3 2 9 4 1 6 8 uv y x s 9 75

18 Q is a priority queue. One Extract-Min(Q) operation uses O(log |V|) time. One Relax(u,v,w) uses constant time and revise d[v] in Q uses O(log|V|) time. Totally, the algorithm runs in O((|V|+|E|)log|V|) = O((n+m)logn) time. Computing Time of Dijkstra’s Algorithm G=G(V,E), where |V|=n, |E|=m S: Set of the processed vertices Q: Set of the unprocessed vertices. Each vertex v of Q has a value d[v]. Q is constructed to be a priority queue. Adjacent list Adj[v] for each vertex v in Graph G.

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