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Diego Rivera.

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1 Diego Rivera

2 About The Artist Lived 1886 – 1957
Began drawing when he was three years old. When he was caught drawing on the walls his parents installed chalkboards and canvas on the walls. Was born in Mexico and moved to Europe to study art. Learned how to make frescos. Became famous for painting outdoor murals. Diego with his wife, famous painter Frida Kahlo

3 Why did Rivera paint? “Art is essential for human life.”
He wanted to paint historical events as well as scenes from the future He liked to paint murals because everyone was able to see them Rivera liked painting murals about farm and factory workers Mural at the Ford plant in Detroit

4 The Making of a Fresco Showing the Building of a City 1931

5 Things to think about when we look at art
Mood: How does the painting make you feel? Sad, happy, confused? Color: How do the colors affect the mood of the painting. Do bright yellows and oranges make the painting feel happy? Subject: Who/what is in the painting and what is the relationship between subjects? Theme: What is the message? What is the artist trying to tell you?

6 The Flower Carrier

7 SUBJECT Peasant man struggling with an oversized basket of flowers
SUBJECT Peasant man struggling with an oversized basket of flowers. The woman is most likely his wife and tries to help him stand with his heavy load. COLOR Rivera uses bold, bright colors. Peasant man in white with yellow sombrero and yellow sling. The use of shadows makes the subject stand out from the background of the painting almost as if the figures are outlined COMPOSITION The geometric shapes offer bold contrasts, with each figure, item, and leaf drawn to reflect individualism. Compare the size of the man to the size of the woman. The man is carrying the heavy load, but he appears to be a smaller person than the woman putting the load on his back. THEME and SUBJECT The flowers in the basket are very beautiful to the viewer, but the man does not see their beauty - only their value as he carries them to the market to sell. The flowers represent luxury. The man is of the working class and is only burdened by them, since they are only for the wealthy.

8 Your Project Draw a picture like Diego Rivera
Show a job that is hard for you to do. How would you let people know that this is a difficult job? What would the title of your picture be?

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