Fire Prevention Through Investigation and Other Functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Fire Prevention Through Investigation and Other Functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fire Prevention Through Investigation and Other Functions

2 Objectives  The non-traditional government functions that are sometimes assigned to fire prevention Bureau's  the potential negative impact on the organization's mission of fire prevention  the benefits of effective fire investigation  the local, state, and federal agencies involved in the investigation of fires  the various roles adopted by fire departments to investigate fires

3 Construction Regulation  Structural engineering  Mechanical engineering  Electrical engineering  Plumbing engineering  Associated trades

4 Construction Regulation by FD  Public safety emphasis  24/7 presence  Meshing of cultures  Engineering with emergency response  Tactical expertise

5 Property Maintenance Codes Minimum standards existing structures Light, ventilation, space, heating, sanitation, protection from the weather, life safety, and fire safety Indoors and outdoors  Property Maintenance Code Enforcement Concert with residential rental properties Required inspections 70-75% of civilian fire deaths and injuries occur in residences,

6 Hazardous Waste Investigation  Fire prevention bureaus have been regulating the storage, handling, and use of hazardous materials  Fire departments have been extinguishing fires and mitigating spills, leaks, and releases  A wide range of materials, incidents, or situations.

7 Legal Authority to Investigate  State statute  Fire chief or officer in charge  Investigates every hostile fire or causes it to be investigated  Law enforcement powers  May empower local fire marshals May derive power as a deputy state fire marshal

8 Outside Agencies  Local or state police  BATF  FBI  Postal inspectors  NFPA 1033 Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator  NFPA 921 Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations

9 Investigation of the Fire Scene  Most commonly performed by fire departments  Initial determination of the origin of the fire and the cause  When the cause appears suspicious or involves criminal activity, assistance requested, and responsibility for the investigation assumed by others who have additional training and resources

10 Fire Scene Investigation  trained personnel are assigned to investigate and process fire scenes.  Incendiary causes  The fire department representative becomes an expert witness for the prosecution.

11 Arson  Arson is unlike other crimes.  In order to prove arson, all accidental causes must be eliminated. Lightning, electrical, mechanical, and other ignition possibilities must be eliminated as possible causes.

12 Investigation Is Police Work  Interviews, evidence collection, and case management  Temperament and aptitude  Fire investigators should receive self-defense Firearms Investigative and legal training

13 2000 Crime in the United States  Crimes against people three times the closure rate of crimes against property. The difference is attributed to more extensive investigation efforts.  Of the 78,280 arson offenses reported for 2000, only 16.5% were closed by arrest.  Those who commit the crime of arson have only 2.4% more chance of arrest and prosecution than those who steal a motor vehicle.

14 Measuring Effectiveness  The measure of effectiveness case closure rate, not the conviction rate.  Best hope is 100% of the fires to be classified as accidental or incendiary  The rate of conviction lies with the prosecutor and is beyond the control of the unit.

15 Summary  The resources and culture of fire departments and fire prevention bureaus  Construction regulation, hazardous materials regulation and investigation, and civil defense  Mission of the fire prevention bureau  The fire service has the greatest stake in determining the origin and cause of fires.  Adequately trained and equipped

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