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The Causes of the Civil War Fundamental Confusion Article 1: Section 8 of US Constitution  “Necessary and Proper Clause” 10 th Amendment to the Bill.

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2 The Causes of the Civil War

3 Fundamental Confusion Article 1: Section 8 of US Constitution  “Necessary and Proper Clause” 10 th Amendment to the Bill of Rights  Power to the States if Constitution doesn’t mention it  Lays groundwork for “States Rights” Conflict over slavery during 1776 debate for Declaration of Independence

4 Slavery and the Territories 1820 Missouri Compromise- Slave below 36 0 30’ line of latitude, free states above line Keep the balance of power… What should happen in the new territories from the Mexican War?  Wilmont Priviso (1846) FAIL  Compromise of 1850 FAIL  Crittenden Amendments (1860) FAIL

5 Why did we keep failing? Fugitive Slave Law- South thought that the North wasn’t enforcing law Pressure from Abolitionists Dred Scot 1857- slaves are property  Overturns Missouri Compromise  Sets the slave hounds loose!  Solution: Popular Sovereignty: EPIC FAIL

6 Bleeding Kansas Popular Sovereignty results in fraudulent voting Political fights become physical “Free Staters” vs. Border Ruffians John Brown and the Pottawatomie Massacre

7 Slavery and Abolitionism Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle Tom’s Cabin October 1859: John Brown raids Harper’s Ferry  Wanted to start and arm a slave revolt William Lloyd Garrison’s The Liberator

8 Economic Policy Slavery and agriculture dominate the South (lots trade in terms of cotton) but not much diversity Industry and Trade dominate the North  Immigration influx Protective Tariffs anger South  Tariff of Abominations (1828)  South Carolina tries to nullify the law- military mobilized to force them  Compromise eases the tax

9 Lincoln’s Election Elected in 1860  South says, “He isn’t my president!”  Lincoln says he just wants to contain slavery and not touch it If slavery is contained, South loses political influence, fields decrease in performance, if contained in South- can’t grow in the desert Lincoln uses force to keep military installations example: Fort Sumter December 24, 1860: South Carolina secedes March 4, 1861 Lincoln sworn into a broken Nation

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