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Economics of North and South Korea. Maps Look at the “Resources of East Asia” map on page 622 and answer the following questions 1.What do North and South.

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Presentation on theme: "Economics of North and South Korea. Maps Look at the “Resources of East Asia” map on page 622 and answer the following questions 1.What do North and South."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economics of North and South Korea

2 Maps Look at the “Resources of East Asia” map on page 622 and answer the following questions 1.What do North and South Korea have in common in terms of resources? 2.What is different in terms of the resources of North and South Korea? Look at the “Climate Comparison, East Asia and North America” on page 626 and answer the following questions (descriptions of climate zones can be found on pages 60-63): 3.What do North and South Korea have in common in terms of climate? 4.What is different in terms of the climate of North and South Korea?

3 South Korea Read “Economic Success in South Korea” and answer the following questions: 5.What role have other countries had on the economy of South Korea? 6.What role has the South Korean government had in its economy?

4 North Korea Read “North Korea’s Economy” and answer the following questions: 7.What role does the government of North Korea play in the economy? 8.Why does North Korea have such a low standard of living? 9.Why do South Korea and China provide aid to North Korea?

5 Differences between South Korea Answer the following questions based on the video: 10.What effect did the Korean War have on South Korea’s economy? 11.What effect did the fall of the Soviet Union have on North Korea’s economy?

6 Data Use the data chart on pages 616-617 to answer the following questions: 12.Does North or South Korea have a higher life expectancy? 13.Does North or South Korea have a higher infant mortality rate? 14.Does North or South Korea have a higher population density? 15.What is the Per Capita GDP of North Korea? 16.What is the Per Capita GDP of South Korea?

7 SCR Practice Guiding Question: Do North or South Korea do a better job of using their resources? Come up with three main ideas to answer the guiding question based on the information from this lesson – Include detailed evidence to support each main idea

8 SCR Practice Guiding Question: Do North or South Korea do a better job of using their resources? Come up with a topic sentence to answer the guiding question – Should contain both a hook and a thesis in one sentence

9 SCR Practice Guiding Question: Do North or South Korea do a better job of using their resources? Come up with a conclusion to answer the guiding question – Should both contain a thesis and expand on the topic in one sentence

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