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CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS Power Point #3. WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ORGAN IN THE HUMAN BODY? Hint: Without it, we would die instantly.

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Presentation on theme: "CARDIOVASCULAR FITNESS Power Point #3. WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ORGAN IN THE HUMAN BODY? Hint: Without it, we would die instantly."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ORGAN IN THE HUMAN BODY? Hint: Without it, we would die instantly

3 The Heart


5 Risk Factors for CV Disease Smoking Inactivity High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Heredity Stress Age Gender

6 Cardiovascular Endurance The ability to persist in physical activities that rely on the HEART, BLOOD VESSELS, and LUNGS to supply oxygen to the working muscles.

7 Characteristics of Cardiovascular Activities  Using Large Muscle Groups  Rhythmic  Continuous  Aerobic  Examples: Swimming, Biking, Running, Cross Country Skiing, Rollerblading

8 Why Cardiovascular Fitness? Stronger Heart Pumps more blood per beat Decreased Blood Pressure Decreased Body Fat Improved Circulation Faster Recovery Time Less Risk of CV Disease

9 4 ways to Vary Cardio Activity F.I.T.T PRINCIPLE Frequency – 5 days a week Intensity – 60-85% Target Heart Rate Time – 20 Minutes Type – Aerobic Activity

10 TARGET HEART RATE Every person has an “ideal” heart rate for aerobic activity. Oxygen will be pumped to efficiently burn fat. If you are BELOW: no training effect If you are IN THE ZONE: positive training effect and fat metabolism. If you are ABOVE: sugar metabolism – shortness of breath and fatigue

11 TARGET HEART RATE Resting Heart Rate = RHR Should be taken during the least stressful time of the day for 1 minute. Take for 15 sec. and times by 4 Take for 30 sec. and times by 2 The Lower your RHR, the more healthy your heart is. Taken from Radial Artery (pointer and middle finger) Inside of wrist just below wrist bone Taken from Carotid Artery (underneath jaw on side of throat) Small strip of muscle running vertically down your neck.

12 TARGET HEART RATE Maximum Heart Rate = MHR 220-your age Heart Rate Reserve = HRR MHR-RHR=HRR

13 TARGET HEART RATE Target Heart Rate Zone Take (HRR x.60) + RHR = Lower Limit Take (HRR x.85) + RHR = Upper Limit

14 Put it all Together to Find YOUR THR 1. Find your resting heart rate (RHR) 2. 220-(your age)=_______(MHR) 3. MHR – RHR= _________(HRR) 4. (HRR) X 60% = _____ + (RHR) = _____ (energy efficient zone) 5. (HRR) X 70% = _____ + (RHR) = _____ (aerobic zone) 6. (HRR) X 85% = _____ + (RHR) = _____ (anaerobic zone)

15 TARGET HEART RATE To efficiently burn fat and increase your heart’s health, you must keep your heart rate between these two numbers while doing cardio activity. – TARGET HEART RATE ZONE If your heart rate is below- move faster! If your heart rate is above- slow down!

16 TARGET HEART RATE Recovery Rate How quickly your heart rate returns to normal (resting). The quicker it does, the healthier your heart is. Heart rate should be down to 120 beats per minute (BPM) within 5 minutes of working out.

17 Target Heart Rate Zones The Energy Efficient or Recovery Zone – 60% to 70% Develops Basic Endurance The Aerobic Zone – 70% to 80% Most Beneficial for heart and burning fat The Anaerobic Zone – 80% to 90% Fat use decreases as glycogen use increases The Red Line Zone – 90% to 100% Only for very fit athletes – short bursts

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