The Cold War 1945--1990. The threat that the world will be destroyed by a nuclear war.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War 1945--1990. The threat that the world will be destroyed by a nuclear war."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cold War 1945--1990

2 The threat that the world will be destroyed by a nuclear war.

3 The Cold War United States vs. USSR United States vs. USSR Players (1945—’63): Players (1945—’63): Winston Churchill (UK) Winston Churchill (UK) Harry Truman (US) Harry Truman (US) John F. Kennedy (US) John F. Kennedy (US) Joseph Stalin (USSR) Joseph Stalin (USSR) Nikita Khrushchev (USSR) Nikita Khrushchev (USSR) Ronald Regan Ronald Regan Mikhail Gorbechev Mikhail Gorbechev

4 Yalta, Conference Yalta, Conference Feb. 4—11,1945, in Crimea Feb. 4—11,1945, in Crimea Europe divided in two, Germany in four. Europe divided in two, Germany in four. Big Three: Big Three: Churchill, Truman, Stalin Churchill, Truman, Stalin Post WWII Europe

5 Post WWII Division of Germany and Europe

6 July 17—Aug. 2, 1945 in Germany July 17—Aug. 2, 1945 in Germany gathering to administer punishment to the defeated Nazi Germany, mainly its occupation and prosecution of war criminals. gathering to administer punishment to the defeated Nazi Germany, mainly its occupation and prosecution of war criminals. Potsdam Conference

7 Activity: With a partner, examine the two declassified “Top Secret” CIA documents that have been provided to you. With a partner, examine the two declassified “Top Secret” CIA documents that have been provided to you. What do you believe to be the most compelling aspect of the A) the Soviet Union’s Foreign policy after WWII and B) their Military policy after WWII? What do you believe to be the most compelling aspect of the A) the Soviet Union’s Foreign policy after WWII and B) their Military policy after WWII? How is the Western world, particularly the United States, expected to respond? How is the Western world, particularly the United States, expected to respond?


9 Churchill Iron Curtain Speech Iron Curtain Speech Iron Curtain Speech Iron Curtain Speech March 5, 1946 March 5, 1946

10 Truman Doctrine The United States is the "leader of the free world", must support democracy worldwide and fight against communism. The United States is the "leader of the free world", must support democracy worldwide and fight against communism. Response: NATO-- created in 1949 to defend Western Europe and North America against Communism. Response: NATO-- created in 1949 to defend Western Europe and North America against Communism. Click picture to view speech.

11 McCarthyism

12 Marshall Plan European Recovery Plan (1948) European Recovery Plan (1948) Western Propaganda Western Propaganda $13 Billion to Europe $13 Billion to Europe Berlin Airlift (June) Berlin Airlift (June) Supplies dropped into Eastern Germany Supplies dropped into Eastern Germany Stalin closes doors to the East permanently. Stalin closes doors to the East permanently.

13 USSR destructs the most powerful nuclear weapon ever. What are the consequences? The H-Bomb: August 12, 1953 August 12, 1953

14 Cold War Propaganda Duck and cover Duck and cover Duck and cover Duck and cover Fallout Fallout Fallout

15 Korean War 1950--1953 1950--1953



18 Bay of Pigs Invasion 1959—Communist coup in Cuba 1959—Communist coup in Cuba Fidel Castro Fidel Castro April 17, 1961 April 17, 1961 “Covert” operation “Covert” operation To be guerilla type warfare To be guerilla type warfare Failure! Why? Failure! Why? Kennedy cancelled air support. Kennedy cancelled air support. Amphibious landing provided no shelter Amphibious landing provided no shelter Naval forces offshore were ordered not to intervene. Naval forces offshore were ordered not to intervene. Result? Economic warfare (trade embargo) Result? Economic warfare (trade embargo)

19 Cuban Missile Crisis U2 U2 Photographs (click) Photographs (click) Photographs Medium and intermediate range missiles Medium and intermediate range missiles October 14 to 28, 1962: the “13 Days” October 14 to 28, 1962: the “13 Days” Naval Blockade Naval Blockade DEFCON 4 DEFCON 4 Khruschev with withdraws Oct. 28, 1962 Khruschev with withdraws Oct. 28, 1962

20 U-2 reconnaissance photograph of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. Shown are the transports and tents for fuelling and maintenance.


22 November 22, 1963 Kennedy assassinated Kennedy assassinated Zapruder film Zapruder film Zapruder film Zapruder film

23 Vietnam War 1964--1973 1964--1973

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