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Information Overload Day 2013 group discussion Oct. 21, 2013 What YOU can do about Information Overload

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Presentation on theme: "Information Overload Day 2013 group discussion Oct. 21, 2013 What YOU can do about Information Overload"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Overload Day 2013 group discussion Oct. 21, 2013 What YOU can do about Information Overload This is a starter for your presentation to your group – modify and expand it to meet your needs!

2 2 Information Overload Worst productivity problem, the world over –Comprising Email Overload and Interruptions –Costs knowledge workers about 25% of their workweek –Undermines creativity and organizational processes –Makes us all miserable Time to do something! –There are many fixes, once you know what to fix –First step is to understand what’s causing IO in your group –You’ll be surprised at what you may find!

3 3 Causes of IO to look for Work processes that generate unneeded email Lack of clear expectations related to response time Lack of guidelines – who to copy on what? Mistrust that causes behaviors like CYA and Reply All Lack of leadership ?

4 4 Group level solutions to consider Define a “group contract” about required response time to email (especially outside of work hours) Agree on subject line hashtags, e.g. #Hot, #FYI, #Action, #NRN (No Response needed) Define when to use To and when to use CC Limit use of “All hands” distribution list Remove the Reply All button from the interface (quite doable – ask IT – and proven effective) ?

5 5 Personal tips to consider adopting Only read email in a few preset time slots in the day! Turn off all those distracting “You’ve got mail” alerts Never use your Inbox as a To Do list! Once you open a message, handle it and move it out of there Look at the many software tools available to help you sort, file and prioritize your mail ?

6 6 Driving the change: caveats Prepare and communicate a value proposition (business case) for adopting the proposed change(s) Role model the desired behavior and lead! Assign an owner to track progress over time in the group – this is not a “launch and forget” fix Look beyond the immediate issue to the underlying cultural causes Ensure solutions you apply are matched to the organization’s “DNA” Schedule a group meeting to discuss the harvested benefits

7 7 Let us know how you do! The Information Overload Research Group wishes you success – and would love to hear how you do Connect to us via http://www.iorgforum.org Feel free to browse our resource center at Good luck – and pass the word around!

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