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Museum Entrance Curator’s Offices. Curator’s Office Contact me at [Your linked email address] My name is Josh Moses. I currently attend Emporia State.

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Presentation on theme: "Museum Entrance Curator’s Offices. Curator’s Office Contact me at [Your linked email address] My name is Josh Moses. I currently attend Emporia State."— Presentation transcript:

1 Museum Entrance Curator’s Offices

2 Curator’s Office Contact me at [Your linked email address] My name is Josh Moses. I currently attend Emporia State University, I am an Elementary Education major. I play football for Emporia State. The reason I choose Greece was because I hope to travel there at least once in my life time. My mom as been there and tells me I need to go. Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle SchoolDr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums Return to Entry

3 Room 1 Return to Entry Greek Gyro

4 Room 3 Return to Entry

5 Room 2 Return to Entry

6 Room 4 Return to Entry

7 r_kebab It consists of shaved lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, beef, or mixed meats roasted on a spit. Less common alternatives include fish and sausage. It is often served wrapped in a flatbread such as a pita or tortilla, and is a common fast food item in The Middle East, Europe, the Caucasus, North America and Australia. Return to Exhibit

8 loponnesianWar/ The Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.) took place between the Athenian empire and Peloponnesian league lead by the Spartans. The Peloponnesian league was a coalition of the Thebes, Corinth and Sparta. The war was divided into 3 phases: The Archidamian War, The Sicilian war and The Ionian or Decelean War: phase. The war commenced on 4 April 431 B.C. when the Thebans launched a surprise attack on Plataea, who as a partner of Athens. The war ended on 25 April 404 B.C. when Athens surrendered. The Peloponnesian War remodeled the entire Greek state. The Athenian empire, which was a stronger side prior to the war, was reduced to a mere vulnerable slave of Sparta. After the war, Sparta was the ruling state of Greece. The war destroyed the economies and brought poverty and sufferings to the state. Athens could never gain its lost prosperity that it was proud of, pre- war. Return to Exhibit

9 Olympics/ The games at Olympia were greatly expanded from a one-day festival of athletics and wrestling to, in 472 BC, five days with many events. The order of the events is not precisely known, but the first day of the festival was devoted to sacrifices. On the Middle Day of the festival 100 oxen were sacrificed in honor of a God. Athletes also often prayed and made small sacrifices themselves. On the second day, the foot-race, the main event of the games, took place in the stadium, an oblong area enclosed by sloping banks of earth. At Olympia there were 4 different types of races; The first was stadion, the oldest event of the Games, where runners sprinted for 1 stade, the length of the stadium(192m). The other races were a 2-stade race (384 m.), and a long-distance run which ranged from 7 to 24 stades (1,344 m. to 4,608 m.).The fourth type of race involved runners wearing full amor, which was 2- 4 stade race (384 m. to 768 m.), used to build up speed and stamina for military purposes. On other days, wrestling, boxing, and the pancratium, a combination of the two, were held. In wrestling, the aim was to throw the opponent to the ground three times, on either his hip, back or shoulder. In ancient Greek wrestling biting and genital holds were illegal. Return to Exhibit Olympics

10 http://www.alpha- Greece is located in eastern Europe. It is made up of one main land mass and many different islands. Athens is the capital but the city of Sparta is a major metropolis along with Olympia. Olympia is were the first Olympics were held. Greece is one of the oldest parts of the world. There is proof of culture that dates back 3,000 years before Christ. Return to Exhibit

11 imgr=&kw=Greek%20gods&img=%3Cimg%20src%3D%22http% 3A// pg%22%20id%3Dil_fi%20height%3D500%20width%3D497%3E The Greeks believed in many gods that they worshiped so that they would protect them. Each god represented something different and there was some what of an order of the gods. Head of all gods was Zeus, Apollo Sun god, Poseidon god of the seas, and Athena goddess of wisdom. These are only some of the many gods but these were some of the top ones of importance that they worshiped. The gods were a part of everyday life for most Greeks. Return to Exhibit

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