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Unit 4 Sharing. A Letter Home Question What does the word “ volunteer” mean? Pre-reading ( photos ) Jo was a volunteer in Papua New Guinea. What was.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 Sharing. A Letter Home Question What does the word “ volunteer” mean? Pre-reading ( photos ) Jo was a volunteer in Papua New Guinea. What was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 Sharing

2 A Letter Home

3 Question What does the word “ volunteer” mean? Pre-reading ( photos ) Jo was a volunteer in Papua New Guinea. What was her job in PNG?

4 Reading ( organization ) Part 1 ( ) _________ Part 2 ( ) _________ Part 3 ( ) _________ Part 4 ( ) _________ A. I got to know the local people and left feeling privileged. B. The close of the letter. C. I received Rosemary’s letter and I’ve included some photos in the letter in replay. D. The condition of the school and her teaching. C D A B 1 2—3 4—8 9

5 Listening (True or false) 1.Because the school is built in a bush,Jo calls the school a bush school. 2.There is no electricity but enough water at school. 3.Jo can become used to the school’s condition 4.The students often do chemistry experiments. 5.They have neither textbooks nor any experiment equipment 6. The house is a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof and this shows it’s a woman’s house. 7.The hut was dark inside so it took time for our eyes to adjust. 8.Fresh grass had been laid on the floor but there was an old platform. 9.They dried out the leftover food to make the can clean. F F F F T F T F F

6 Reading ( Ex 1 on P31 ) culture Houses : made of bamboo,grass roofs;men’s huts have grass sticking out of the roof, no windows; small doorway,floor covered with fresh grass Family relationship: everyone seemed to be a relative of Tombe’s Cooking method:hot stones are placed in an oil drum, then vegetables are placed in the drum, cover with banana leaves and steamed. Sleeping arrangements: A new sleeping platform for the guests, Kiak usually slept in her own hut. Diet: Sweet potato,corn,greens

7 Possessions: a few tin plates and cups,a couple of pots Agriculture: tools are very basic eg a digging stick Belief: The villagers believe in evil spirits.They believe that leftover food attracts evil spirits so they dry it out in a can over the fire.Then the can is thrown out of the hut.

8 1. 我知道你急于了解我在这儿的生活情况。我在信中附 有几张照片,能够帮助你想象出我所谈到的地方。 2. 每次我走到学校操场的时候,迎接我的是男孩子们一 片 “ 早上好 ” 的声音。他们中许多人走了很长的路,有时 候要走两个小时才能到学校。 3. 我还在努力适应这儿的生活条件。但是有一点是肯定 的。我在教学中变得更富有想象力了。 4. 有一天我正给孩子们做化学实验的演示,我还没有明 白怎么回事,混合剂就到处冒气泡了。 5. 有时候,我真想知道,化学对这些孩子究竟有多大的 用处。他们中的大多数学完八年级以后就要回到他们 的村庄去了。

9 6. 先是爬山,爬到山脊能看到奇妙的景色,然后走 下一个陡坡,一直走到下边的山谷。 7. 这是一个低矮的竹屋,屋顶上伸出一簇茅草。 8. 后来我发现有一个锡罐子倒放在火炉的烤架上。 9. 他们相信剩饭在夜晚会引来邪灵,所以要把食物 放在罐子里烧干,再把罐子一起扔到屋外去。 10. 第二天早晨,经过一番握手道别之后,我们就 离开了村庄。

10 Discussion: Discuss about the positive and negative things about living in a village in PNG.

11 Why do you think Jo became a volunteer in PNG? to help others less fortunate than herself; to share her skills as a teacher; to give children an education; to live in a different culture and to understand this culture …

12 Difficult sentences: 1.I know you’re dying to hear all about my life here. I’ve included some photos which will help you picture the places I talk about. 2.When I reach the school grounds there are a lots of “good mornings” for me from the boys,many of whom have walked a long way,sometimes up to two hours to get to the school. 3.I’m still trying to adapt to these conditions but,one thing is for sure, I’ve become a lot more imaginative in my teaching. 4.The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment – before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling over everywhere.

13 5. Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids,most of whom will be going back to their villages after Year 8. 6…first up a mountain to a ridge from where we had fantastic views and then down a steep slope to the valley below. 7…a low bamboo hut with grass sticking out of the roof. 8.Later I noticed a tin can standing upside down on the grill over the fire. 9.They believe that any leftovers attract evil spirits in the night so the food is dried up in the can and the can is then thrown out of the hut. 10.We left the village the next morning after many goodbyes and shaking of hands.

14 The greatest island country---Papua New Guinea

15 The last Neolithic Age in world



18 Selling


20 prime minister 麦克尔索马雷 and Wu BangGuo

21 National emblem National Flag Money

22 Background information: Location and population: Papua New Guinea is a country of about 5.7 million people and is situated to the north of Australia. It shares the second largest island in the world with Papua, a province of Indonesia. Around 80% of Papua New Guineans live in rural areas with few or no facilities as running water and electricity. Language: There are around 1,000 tribes and over 800 different languages. English is the official language but Pidgin English is often the language used for communication between people who have different first languages. Pidgin is heavily influenced by English.

23 Economy: Papua New Guinea is a poor country with most people living in tribal villages and depending on subsistence farming to make a living. Only about 1% of land is suitable for growing cash crops. The economy relies heavily on the export of minerals, hydrocarbons( 氢 ), tropical timber( 热带木材 ), and crops such as coffee, cocoa, and copra( 干椰子肉 ). Education: Not all children go to school. Around 85% of children start school only about 60% of these reach Year5. Only a small percentage of children go to high school and only about 2.3% of students enrol in a tertiary institution.( 高等学校 )

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