EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 JRA1-SA1 requirement gathering Maite Barroso JRA1 Integration and Testing.

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Presentation on theme: "EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 JRA1-SA1 requirement gathering Maite Barroso JRA1 Integration and Testing."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833 JRA1-SA1 requirement gathering Maite Barroso JRA1 Integration and Testing mgr 1 st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004

2 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 2 Contents JRA1-SA1 relationship Process description Requirements agreed till now Related documents

3 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 3 JRA1-SA1 relationship (TA) SA1/NAx JRA1/JRA2/JRA3 JRA1 Integration and Testing

4 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 4 JRA1-SA1 relationship (TA) SA1:  To validate middleware releases and then to deploy them on Resource Centres throughout the Grid. Strict criteria will be placed on validating new middleware before production deployment. This will involve close interaction and feedback with the middleware engineering activity (JRA1) and the applications (NA4). JRA1:  Integrate and test the mw components to deliver a production quality release, fulfilling the requirements of the applications, which will be deployed by SA1.

5 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 5 Process description No official delivery of requirements from SA1 to JRA1 stated in the TA The definition, discussion and agreement of the requirements has already started, done through dedicated meetings This is an ongoing process:  Not all the requirements defined yet  Set of requirements agreed, need basic agreement to start working! But can be reviewed at any time there is a valid reason for it If you want to collaborate:  SA1: Contact SA1 mgt, Ian Bird (CERN) or Cristina Vistoli (INFN)  JRA1: Contact Frederic Hemmer (CERN) or Maite Barroso (CERN)

6 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 6 Requirements 1. Mw delivery to SA1 2. Release management 3. Deployment scenarios 4. Middleware configuration 5. Enforcement of the procedures 6. Platforms to support 7. Versions for compilers, libraries, third party software 8. Programming languages 9. Packaging and software distribution 10. Others

7 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 7 1.Mw delivery to SA1 1.1 Delivery process:  get a tarball*  certify  feedback to JRA1  and iterate  when SA1 converges to a certified version  JRA1 must package exactly the version that is certified, with no changes or additions 1.2 Keep the granularity of components and packages as fine as possible

8 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 8 2.Release management 2.1 Bug and security patches must have a very quick turn-around 2.2 Bug fixes will be provided to all versions being run by SA1

9 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 9 3.Deployment scenarios 3.1 JRA1 will deliver deployment recommendations for services as part of a release, and define the minimum running requirements for the entire system 3.2 SA1 will give feedback to JRA1 about the most common deployment scenarios

10 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 10 4.Middleware configuration 4.1 Mw installation and configuration should be kept separated 4.2 Provide simple and tool independent configuration mechanism 4.3 JRA1 will provide a standard set of configuration files and documentation with examples that SA1 can use to design tools. Format to be agreed between SA1-JRA1 4.4 It is the responsibility of SA1 to provide configuration tools to the sites 4.5 Classify the configuration parameters and give sensible default values

11 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 11 5.Enforcement of the procedures 5.1 If bugs are found at any stage (certification, validation, deployment), bugs must be reported to JRA1 using Savannah. Bug fixing is JRA1 responsibility.

12 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 12 6.Platforms to support 6.1 Primary platform: Red Hat Enterprise 3.0, gcc 3.2.3 and icc8 compilers (both 32 and 64-bits). 6.2 Secondary platform: Windows (XP/2003), vc++ 7.1 compiler (both 32 and 64-bits) 6.3 Purpose of secondary platform: to ensure portability 6.4 Components needed in the Worker Nodes should not be constrained to fixed platforms 6.5 Reduce to the minimum the components to be run in the Worker Nodes and make them easily portable

13 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 13 7.Versions for compilers, libraries, third party software 7.1 Avoid using multiple versions of the same libraries, tools, external programs. 7.2 Change of agreed version done through request to the Change Control Board 7.3 JRA1 will define the 3rd party software versions supported. The EGEE mw will be tested against these versions 7.4 JRA1 will not deliver 3rd party software as part of a release, but will provide a list of dependencies and documentation

14 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 14 8.Programming languages 8.1 Recommendation to simplify and minimize the number of programming languages used (if possible, only one)  Ease of integration and maintenance

15 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 15 9.Packaging and software distribution 9.1 Packages should be relocatable (the whole tree, not separated branches) 9.2 JRA1 will provide a release packaged in the native format of all supported platforms and a tarball. Both source and binaries would be provided.

16 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 16 10.Others 10.1 Sites must be allowed to organize the network as they wish, internal or external connectivity, NAT, firewall, etc, all must be possible, no special constraints. WNs must not require Outgoing IP connectivity; Not inbound connectivity either.

17 1st EGEE conference, Cork, 19 April 2004 - 17 Related documents Requirement table stored at: Meeting minutes stored at:

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