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Comedy of manners.

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1 Comedy of manners

2 What is the commedy of manners?
A Comedy of Manners is a play concerned with satirizing society’s manners. A manner is the method in which everyday duties are performed, conditions of society, or a way of speaking. It implies a polite and well-bred behavior.

3 History of the Comedy of manners
Ancient Greek playwright Menander; the Ancient Greek characters were imitated by the Roman playwrights Plautus and Terence; During the Renaissance there is the trasription of the classic comedies and there are orginal writers as Molière that is the best-known comedies of manners in the French playwright.

4 Characteristics it involves a sophisticated wit and talent in the writing of the script; minimal physical action and the play may involve heavy use of intelectual dialogues; employs an equal amount of both satire and farce resulting in a hilarious send-up of a particular social group; Teach better manners and show social vices.

5 Other kind of comedies:
Satiric comedies: poetic language, use of satire and characters embody human vices Romantic comedies: universal themes, poetic language and dreamlike setting

6 Major playwrires in England during the period of the restoration:
William Wycherley with his play The Country Wife (1675); William Congreve with The Way of the World (1700). It premiered in 1700 in the theatre in Lincon’s Inn Fields in London. It is one of the best Restoration comedies.

7 The way of the world Most important Characters: Millimant and Mirabell
Topic: life at court, love and marriage Style: large ose of the dialogues between the main characters

8 Gaio Francesco

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