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CCCI Children’s Ministry. “I Have a Dream” What do you want for the children of our church and community by the time they reach the age of 30? I want.

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Presentation on theme: "CCCI Children’s Ministry. “I Have a Dream” What do you want for the children of our church and community by the time they reach the age of 30? I want."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCCI Children’s Ministry

2 “I Have a Dream” What do you want for the children of our church and community by the time they reach the age of 30? I want them to: Know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Know how to study the Bible. Have a Biblical worldview. Develop their spiritual gifts to benefit the local church.

3 More Dreams I also want our children to: Honor God in how they spend their money. Treat others with respect. Have healthy relationships. Do you have similar dreams for your children?

4 Desires Vs. Goals A goal is something that you can personally accomplish, even without the help of others. A desire is something that you can genuinely want and you can work hard toward it, but it will not happen unless another person does their part. A desired outcome is a specific desire for a specific person or group of people. It implies doing an intentional activity with a strong sense of purpose.

5 What is “Strategic Planning”? A clear understanding of: What are our desired outcomes? What are the best ways to pursue those desired outcomes? How will we know whether the desired outcomes are happening?

6 When does strategic planning end? We must regularly remind ourselves: What desired outcomes we have for our children How we will pursue those desired outcomes We must also regularly ask ourselves: How are we doing at pursuing those outcomes? How can we improve? Strategic planning is an ongoing process! Any questions so far?

7 Point of View Commentary Kerby Anderson, Jan. 13, 2010

8 Why can’t Ben do this himself? We need balanced input from a variety of people. Ben can be too idealistic and needs realistic input from those who minister directly to children at home or at church. Those involved in making a plan are the most dedicated to carrying it out.

9 Strategic Planning “Dream” Team Will read Raising a Modern-Day Joseph (team members will receive a free copy). Will have 4 in-depth meetings this Spring to answer the three main questions: What are our desired outcomes? How should we pursue those desired outcomes? How can we evaluate the impact on our children? Will present results at a parent meeting. Will evaluate effectiveness of CCCI children’s ministry in April 2011.

10 All Parents and Coworkers All Other Parents and Coworkers should: Read Raising a Modern-Day Joseph (available for check- out in the CM Library or for to buy for $10). Pray for wisdom for the Strategic Planning Team. Any questions?

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