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Warm Up Think back to yesterday’s lesson on Chinese philosophies. Write a 5-7-sentence paragraph explaining the differences between the three Chinese philosophies.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Think back to yesterday’s lesson on Chinese philosophies. Write a 5-7-sentence paragraph explaining the differences between the three Chinese philosophies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Think back to yesterday’s lesson on Chinese philosophies. Write a 5-7-sentence paragraph explaining the differences between the three Chinese philosophies that developed in early China.

2 Reminders!!!! *Test Friday on Ancient China, we will play a review game tomorrow to prepare *Test Monday for 3 rd period, we will play a review game Friday to prepare

3 Objective: SWBAT understand how early Chinese society was organized.

4 Social Class Who can recall what being a part of a social class entails? Turn and talk with your neighbors to discuss your responses A social class includes people who have the same economic and social position

5 Can you recall the type of social class systems from our previous units on Mesopotamia, Egypt or Greece? (Turn and Talk) Early Chinese society was made up of four social classes; land owning aristocrats, farmers, artisans, and merchants.

6 “Lives of the Aristocrats, Farmers, Artisans, and Merchants” reading Lets popcorn read. After the reading is complete, as a class we will fill out a graphic organizer filling out the socioeconomic roles of each social class. Aristocrats Farmers Artisans/Merchants

7 Independent Practice Answer the following critical thinking questions based on the reading: 1. Predict what the consequence will be of sons having less land and wealth with each generation. 2. Why do you think people became farmers is it was such a difficult life? 3. What was one indication that merchants were not well thought of in Chinese society?

8 Group Work You will receive an info graphic picture showing a typical Chinese village. Answer the following based on the info graphic: 1. How were early Chinese villages protected? 2. Why do you think farming was done in the land surrounding the villages? 3. What are some possible disadvantages for farmers of working on land they do not own? 4. What do you notice about the village walls that surround the city?

9 Closure Share the responses you answered for your designated questions to the class.

10 Homework 1. Read a passage titled “What were Chinese Families Like” and answer comprehension questions. 2. Review sheets due tomorrow

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