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Best Western Annual Conference 2011. Brands, Brands, Brands.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Western Annual Conference 2011. Brands, Brands, Brands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Western Annual Conference 2011

2 Brands, Brands, Brands.

3 It’s getting harder to stand out

4 A constant: The power of strong brands and great service

5 Power lies in their unique capability to...

6 The ability to stimulate choice £ £ ?

7 Taking commodities Commodity ???? £1.80£1.50£2.00

8 Adding product features & personality Commodity Features & personality Two in OneHonest valueUltra modernFamily values ???? £1.80£1.50£2.00

9 Creating brands that are Different in a way that’s Relevant Commodity Features & personality Brands Two in OneHonest valueUltra modernFamily values ???? £1.80£1.50£2.00

10 Creating PREFERENCE and influencing CHOICE Consumable Service Fashion

11 But difference and relevance don’t get the job done

12 There’s a third ingredient VITAL to building TRUST

13 Critically important

14 Do you wanna tell ‘im? “Waddya mean you don’t do Grandeskinny ChocaMoccaLocca Frappacappuchinno in this branch?” “Waddya mean you don’t do Grandeskinny ChocaMoccaLocca Frappacappuchinno in this branch?”

15 Failing to deliver can be costly

16 Does this apply to hotels?

17 The influence of hotel branding (bdrc) % great deal/fair amount of influence EuropeUK Middle East Asia Pacific

18 The price of breaking a promise: it’s immediate and it’s public

19 Room Locations Consistency Comfort/Clean WiFi Loyalty scheme Must have’s BASELINE Experience Welcoming Dependable Stylish DIFFERENTIATORS DIFFERENTIATOR s Features Entertainment Staff service Hassle free Hotel customer expectations are changing too (bdrc / Cambridge / Kae) Personalised

20 But there’s a recurring theme : Henley Management College Promise fulfilment

21 Two vital components: evolving to stay relevant and competitive Create expectation Bring it to life

22 Evolving to stay relevant and competitive ? ?

23 Competitor propositions Stay yourself Sleep tight Hotels with personality Everything’s premier but the price Everything’s premier but the price

24 Creating the Best Western experience People Products Services People Products Services What’s different? What’s better? What can I count on? What’s different? What’s better? What can I count on?

25 Case study: starting point

26 Case study: commercial priority

27 Case study: Identify the ‘make or break’ experiences Customer journey mapping

28 Case study: Innovation Hubs Core Promise Develop the p roducts & services driving customer choice Core Promise Develop the p roducts & services driving customer choice

29 Case study: Leisure Core features Packaging Kids’ dining Kids pack Late check out Core features Packaging Kids’ dining Kids pack Late check out Enhancers Pricing Kids menu Local attractions Welcome Enhancers Pricing Kids menu Local attractions Welcome

30 Case study: Executive Floor Core features Packaging Bedroom Water Robe / slippers Lounge Food concept Services Opening hours Core features Packaging Bedroom Water Robe / slippers Lounge Food concept Services Opening hours Enhancers Pricing Bedroom Design Additional items Lounge Menu detail Design Service style Enhancers Pricing Bedroom Design Additional items Lounge Menu detail Design Service style

31 Case study: Meetings Core features Packaging FF&E Support services Menu concept Core features Packaging FF&E Support services Menu concept Enhancers Pricing Menu detail Support services delivery Non-HM Rooms Enhancers Pricing Menu detail Support services delivery Non-HM Rooms

32 Case study: benefits Buying power

33 Case study: benefits Buying power Promotional impact Buying power Promotional impact

34 Case study: benefits Buying power Promotional impact Staff engagement Buying power Promotional impact Staff engagement

35 Product: development & packaging = revenue impact Meetings x-sell£ Upgrade sales£ Leisure sales£ Contracting£ Loyalty£ Buying power£

36 People: engagement & skills = revenue impact Change Management Programme 4.Training 5.Recognition 3.Engagement 6.Communication Hilton Moments Conversion/upsell £ Room service £ Wine sales £ Staff satisfaction £ 2.Recruitment1.Brand vision Quality training Lounge sales £

37 The world is changing. Standing still isn’t a sustainable option. “There’s just no future in saying it can’t be done. The future goes to those who make it happen” BJ Hintz Divisional President, Procter & Gamble “There’s just no future in saying it can’t be done. The future goes to those who make it happen” BJ Hintz Divisional President, Procter & Gamble

38 Questions?

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