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 Theory that the Earth is made of large moveable plates.

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2  Theory that the Earth is made of large moveable plates

3  Plate boundary where plates move away from each other

4  The crust and the rigid part of the mantle make up the _____________________________

5  Type of Plate Boundary

6  Plate Boundary where two plates slide past each other

7  Plastic-like part of the mantle that tectonic plates move on

8  Geologic feature that results from a continental-continental convergent boundary

9  Type of fault associated with a divergent boundary

10  Type of fault associated with a convergent boundary

11  Layer of the Earth that is made of solid metal

12  Type of fault associated with a transform boundary

13  Feature created at the subduction zone of an oceanic-oceanic or oceanic-continental convergent boundary

14  Geologic feature created from divergent boundaries and most convergent boundaries where magma rises to the surface

15  Law that states that the oldest rocks are on the bottom and younger rocks are found on top

16  Layer of the Earth that is made of liquid metal

17  Area in the Pacific Ocean with large amounts of volcanic activity and earthquakes

18  Method used to find the absolute age of rock layers

19  Type of energy transfer in the mantle that causes tectonic plates to move

20  Feature that forms when two oceanic plates diverge

21  The densest type of crust

22  Law that states that a rock layer that cuts across another one is younger than the one it cuts across

23  Law that states that a rock layer that grows into another rock layer is younger than the preexisting rock

24  Layer of the Earth that is rigid on top and becomes more plastic-like as you move towards the core of the Earth

25  Type of geologic activity that happens when trapped water beneath the Earth’s surface is heated and then rises to the surface of the Earth

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