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RELIGIONS IN EUROPE SS6G11. BC = Before Christ AD(Anno Domini)=Year of Our Lord Timeline Judaism___________Christianity______Islam.

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2 BC = Before Christ AD(Anno Domini)=Year of Our Lord Timeline Judaism___________Christianity______Islam

3 Christianity (Christians) Location: large populations throughout Europe Founder: Jesus, the Son of God House of Worship: church, chapel, cathedral Holy Book: Bible (New Testa- ment)

4 Christianity continued… Holy Days: Christmas (Birth of Jesus) Good Friday (Crucifixion of Jesus) Easter (Resurrection of Jesus) Day of Worship: Sunday

5 Christian Beliefs There is one god who created and rules the world. Jesus is the son of God and was born to Mary. He is the Christ. Jesus will return.

6 Christianity as Monotheistic Monotheistic: “One God” God is a Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (A mystery of Christian faith)

7 Judaism (Jews) Location: Ukraine Founder: Abraham, father of the Hebrew people House of Worship: synagogue Holy Book: Torah, 1 st five books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) which contains the basic laws and teachings of Judaism

8 Judaism continued… Holy Days: Rosh Hashanah- Jewish New Year Yom Kippur- holiest day of year: fast- ing public confession, atonement Hanukkah- Festival of Lights celebrating one day’s supply of oil lasting 8 days ( in Torah) Day of Worship: Saturday

9 Beliefs of Judaism There is one god who created and rules the world. Torah contains 613 command- ments which are based on the Ten Command- ments. The person who will lead the world to peace will be from the family of King David.

10 Judaism as Monotheistic Monotheistic: “One God” One God - “Yahweh” ( the God who delivered the Israelites from Egypt)

11 Islam (Muslims) Location: United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium Founder: Muhammad God revealed his words through angel Gabriel who passed them on to Muhammad House of Worship: Mosque All mosques face Mecca, so Muslims pray in proper direction Holy Book: Qu’ an (Koran)

12 Islam continued… Holy Days: Month of Ramadan: Fasting during this month each year, avoiding all foods and beverages between sunrise and sunset. Day of Worship: Friday

13 Beliefs of Islam Five Pillars of Islam 1.Faith – There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s messenger. 2.Prayer – Pray 5 times each day. 3.Alms – Give to the poor. 4.Fasting – Fast during Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage – Make trip to Mecca at least once

14 Islam as Monotheistic Monotheistic: “ One God” One God – Allah ( the one God and creator)

15 Review SS6G11 Using your graphic organizer, answer the following questions: 1.List the order in which the 3 religions were established. 2.Who worships in a synagogue? A mosque? 3.Who believes in one God who is a Trinity?

16 4.Who observes the holy days of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Hannukah? 5.Who observes Five Pillars of their faith? 6.Who worships in a chapel? 7.Which religion has large populations all over Europe? 8.Who must promise a trip to Mecca in their lifetime? 9.What is the holy book of Judaism? 10. In which European countries are there many Muslims? 11.Who celebrates the birth of Jesus? 12.What word can be used to describe each of the 3 religions?

17 A. Christianity B. Islam C. Judaism D. All 1. 2.

18 3. 4. 5. 6. A. Christianity B. Islam C. Judaism D. All

19 7. 8. 9. 10. A. Christianity B. Islam C. Judaism D. All

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