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IC 產業的明日之星 -- IP 林永隆 清華大學 教授 創意電子 顧問. IC House Manufacturing Foundry IC User Library Vendor EDA Vendor IC Industry Segments.

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Presentation on theme: "IC 產業的明日之星 -- IP 林永隆 清華大學 教授 創意電子 顧問. IC House Manufacturing Foundry IC User Library Vendor EDA Vendor IC Industry Segments."— Presentation transcript:

1 IC 產業的明日之星 -- IP 林永隆 清華大學 教授 創意電子 顧問

2 IC House Manufacturing Foundry IC User Library Vendor EDA Vendor IC Industry Segments

3 IC House Manufacturing Foundry IC User Library Vendor EDA Vendor IC Industry Segments IP Vendor

4 System ProcessorMemory Interface Accelerator DataPathFSM ALURegister Adder Majority FuncOdd Func Nand AND OR Levels of Abstract

5 IP Requirement Competitive in functionality, size, power, or performance Well Characterized (Silicon verified) Integratable (Documents, executable models, confirmed to standards) Test Strategy implementable by the SOC Unambiguous boundary of responsibility

6 IP Enabler Channels for small IP creators One-stop shopping window for IC creators Combining design service and IP vending

7 IC House Manufacturing Foundry IC User Library Vendor EDA Vendor IC Industry Segments IP Vendor Design Foundry & IP Outlet IP Vendor IP Vendor

8 誰來當星探 ? Extremely low-power DSP, uP, uC Media-processing cores (A/V, JPEG, MPEG…) Up-and-coming mainstream interface cores (USB2.0, 1394, Networking…) Very high density memory macros

9 Conclusions More and more designs will utilize IP More and more IP will come from outside Successful IP must be robustly reusable IP outlet through design foundry enables –IP creators to focus on algorithmic/architectural novelty –IC creators to focus on marketing/specification/service

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