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By: Brandon Head. A wildfire is a massive fire caused in the forest. Wildfires destroy huge amounts of land and can cause a large amounts of casualties.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Brandon Head. A wildfire is a massive fire caused in the forest. Wildfires destroy huge amounts of land and can cause a large amounts of casualties."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Brandon Head

2 A wildfire is a massive fire caused in the forest. Wildfires destroy huge amounts of land and can cause a large amounts of casualties.

3 The answer to that is that we don’t have a scale used to measure wildfires. We just see how much it burned.

4 Wildfires usually happen during early spring or summer. However, wildfires can happen at any time conditions are right.

5 People start most wildfires Contact local fire department to learn fire safety laws Create a 30-100 ft safety zone around your yard Always listen to local fire officials

6 Wildfires can happen anywhere that there is low moisture and has lots of flammable grass or wood. fire

7 An average of 1.2 million acres of U.S woodland burn every year 4 out of every 5 wildfires are caused by people Surface fires-most common type of wildfire, move slowly across land Ground fire-usually caused by lightning, burn through root system Crown fire-spread by winds along tops of trees

8 Meteorologists study wildfires only for right conditions. Scientists cannot predict when wildfires will happen because most wildfires are caused by a person’s actions.

9 June 3 rd, 2007 Sequoia National Park in California September 5 th, 1881 Lower peninsula of Michigan June 22 nd, 1988 Yellowstone National Park April 16 th, 2007 Georgia and Florida 1983 Victoria, Australia

10 Clipart dfire/ dfire/

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