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Algae An Overview.

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1 Algae An Overview

2 Algae Algae are organisms, or living things.
It is very important because they make much of Earth’s oxygen. We need oxygen to breath.

3 Characteristics You know it when you see it. It’s the slimy green carpet that blankets the top of ponds or neglected swimming pools. Range in size from microscopic to 115 ft long! (Sea Kelp) Aquatic and have flagella at some point in life.

4 Algae Belongs to the Protists Group
It has been on the Earth for over 2 billion years! Algae can use the energy of sunlight to make their own food out of carbon dioxide and water by something called photosynthesis.

5 Algae

6 Algae Here is some algae that is microscopic.
You can only see this algae if you are using a microscope. oogonium

7 holdfast

8 Phylum Phaeophyta 1500 species of Brown algae
Mostly marine and include seaweed and kelp All are multicellular and large (often reaching lengths of 147 feet) Individual alga may grow to a length of 100m with a holdfast, stipe and blade Used in cosmetics and most ice creams

9 Algae Diatoms – used in detergents, paint removers, toothpaste
Dinoflagellates – red tides Golden algae Important in the formation of petroleum products

10 Plasmodial Slime Molds

11 Can algae be good for a lake?
Yes! Algae are an important source of food other plants and animals. Algae floating on the water provide shade for animals that need it. Algae produces oxygen. “Hair” algae provides shelter for fish to lay their eggs.

12 But too much can be a bad thing…….
When we start seeing big mats of blue, green, white, black, red or brown algae forming on the surface we need to know that this can be dangerous for pets and humans if they drink it. To much algae in a lake can be bad.

13 Foldable Algae are organisms, or living things.
Produces much of Earth’s oxygen. Microscopic or it can be up to 115 ft long! It can make its own food through photosynthesis. It’s true! Some brown algae is used in SOME ice-creams to thicken it up. Algae is part of the food chain. Some fish and other creatures eat it. Floating algae provides shade for animals that need it.

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