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 What do you remember about 9/11?  Consequences?  Racial and Religious Profiling and Stereotypes  Ex. Muslims as terrorists; Sikhs as Muslims=terrorists.

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Presentation on theme: " What do you remember about 9/11?  Consequences?  Racial and Religious Profiling and Stereotypes  Ex. Muslims as terrorists; Sikhs as Muslims=terrorists."— Presentation transcript:


2  What do you remember about 9/11?  Consequences?  Racial and Religious Profiling and Stereotypes  Ex. Muslims as terrorists; Sikhs as Muslims=terrorists  Loss of Civil Rights regarding Freedom of Privacy and extra surveillance  Big Question: Are we better or bitter?  Religious issues: Love of God and neighbor;  Understanding and Dialogue with other religions: Jew, Muslim, Sikh, Christian, etc.

3  Did you see anything on the news, radio, tv, online or other media source about 9/11 yesterday?  What did they say? What was it about?  What did you think and feel about the story “I Saved My Mother’s Life?” Why is Interreligious/Interfaith dialogue important?

4  Why are dates, anniversaries, seasons, birthdays important?  What usually happens on these special occasions?  Group Guidance Today: 5, 7, 8 th Periods  Please all Procedure sheets to your left.

5  Have meanings about History and Life: 9/11  Birthday: Day of Birth  Anniversary: Wedding, Death  Religious Dates: Saints Dates; Holy Days for the Church Calendar, (Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Triduum, Easter, Ordinary Time) or Jewish (New Year/Rosh Hoshanah 5773), Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh

6  What do we mean by the “context” of a situation?  Why is “context” important to understand?  For example, a context for prayer, play, study, work, etc.  A “context” answers the question “What’s happening at this time?” It can refer to a present activity, and the larger situation we are living in, as in local or world events.

7  2012-2013 “Year of Faith”  50 th Anniversary of Vatican II  New Curriculum and Books  Summer Olympics  Future New President  Your past, present, and future  PSAT TEST  Sports Championships: Hayes, Yankees, Orioles, Ravens  The “context” of adolescence and puberty

8  How do you handle “ANGER?”  Anger is an emotion/feeling that is neither good nor bad. It is neutral like all feelings. Why is this true?  What makes anger bad?  Anger is one of four times we are vulnerable.  H.A.L.T.  Be careful when you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, and Tired.  Eat something. Talk to somebody. Get rest.

9  Identify five positive and five negative activities that can take place with your:  Hands (Help or Hurt others?)  Feet (Where are your feet taking you?)  Eyes (What are you looking at?)  26 th Sunday of Ordinary Time: Jesus said, “If your hand causes you to sin, cut if off. And if your foot causes to sin, cut it off. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.” Mk 9:43- 47  Do we take this literally or figuratively, or symbolically?

10  Finish copying memory verse: John 3:14-16 in notebook  “Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone that believes in him may have eternal life.”  “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” Exaltation of the Cross, 9/14

11  Can you list five “sorrows” or negative events in your life?  Sept. 15=Our Lady of Sorrows  Five Sorrows of Mary:  1. Flight into Egypt  2. Simeon’s Prophecy  3. Lost in the Temple at 12  4. Mary watching Jesus carry his cross  5. Mary looking at Jesus on the cross  6. Jesus taken down from the cross  7. Jesus buried in the tomb

12  Summarize from memory the following stories:  Creation Stories  Adam and Eve  Cain and Abel  Noah and the Flood  The Tower of Babel

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