Military Surface Deployment & Distribution Command Claims John Johnson SDDC QA Division 31 October 12.

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Presentation on theme: "Military Surface Deployment & Distribution Command Claims John Johnson SDDC QA Division 31 October 12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Military Surface Deployment & Distribution Command Claims John Johnson SDDC QA Division 31 October 12

2 Delivering Trust Loss or Damage Claims  Claims filing process Members file claims directly with TSP through DPS claims module TSPs can communicate with member outside of DPS but must provide final offer/settlement using module Direct member to view claims process slides and video on If member has questions on claim settlement, have them contact their Military Claims Office (listed on 2

3 Delivering Trust Mold Working Group  Services, Military Claims Office (MCO), Industry, USTRANSCOM, Air Mobility Command and SDDC  Review entire process of handling wet/mold shipments Business rules rewrite (Service MCOs/Industry)  AMC process review of Code J/T shipments 3

4 Delivering Trust Claims Satisfaction  Full Replacement Value  Claims settled by TSPs  Claims transferred to Military Claims Office  Claims Score component of best value 4

5 Delivering Trust DPS Claims 5 20112012 Claims Submitted by Service/Year

6 Delivering Trust DPS Claims 6 20112012 Submitted claims by Market/Year

7 Delivering Trust Questions? 7

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