.  How do you spend your time?  Identify time robbers  Remaining hours are hours that could used to schedule study time.

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2  How do you spend your time?  Identify time robbers  Remaining hours are hours that could used to schedule study time

3  Easy Class = 2 hours of study per every hour in class  Average Class = 3 hours of study per every hour in class  Difficult Class = 4 hours of study per every hour in class So… Is this realistic for high school? Quality can be more important than quanity!

4  You can use a planner, poster board, or 3x5 cards  Allow spaces for each ½ hour or hour  First, put in the necessities: class, work, meals, etc.  Next, put in blocks of study time

5  Don’t be a perfectionist  Learn to say NO  Learn to prioritize  Use a “to do” list

6  Daily Review (15-20 minutes)  Biweekly Reviews (45 minutes-1hour)  Major Reviews (1-2 hours, 2 days in a row before quizzes, 5 days in a row before exams)

7 Causes of Procrastination  Lack of Relevance  Acceptance of another’s goals  Perfectionism  Fear of the unknown  Inability to handle the task Overcoming Procrastination  Make honest decisions about your work  Understand what is necessary to accomplish a task within a given time frame  Visualize steps in completing a task and devote time to each part as appropriate  BE REALISTIC!

8  Read Ahead  Think of school as a Mon through Fri 9-5 job  Use a schedule  Study during you “prime time”  Do homework for your most difficult course first  Study during breaks

9  Reward yourself at the end of each task  Form a study group  Get enough sleep  Think about long term goals and monetary rewards  Conduct informational interviews

10  Divide task into small steps  Distribute study blocks  Reward yourself and take breaks  Monitor your progress  Set reasonable expectations

11  Find a good place to study  Don’t give in to temptations  Keep a “to do” list

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