The creation of maps including projection and design.

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3 The creation of maps including projection and design.





8 1) Mercator 2) Interrupted 3) Peters Projection 4) Robinson Projection 5) Conic 6) Azimuthal


10 Greenland South America


12 Advantages: Shows the correct areas of landmasses and oceans Directions are accurate Disadvantages: Distorts the shapes of Africa and South America  they appear longer and thinner than they really are Africa South America

13 Advantages: Correct sizes and shapes of most landmasses Fairly accurate- sizes and shapes of landmasses Accurately shows sizes of oceans and distances across land Disadvantages: Distorts regions along edges

14 Distances true only along standard parallels; reasonably accurate elsewhere in limited regions. Directions are reasonably accurate. Distortion of shapes and areas minimal at, but increases away from standard parallels. Shapes on large-scale maps of small areas are essentially true.

15  Advantage: shows correct distances between places when taken from the center point of the projection  Disadvantage : distances from all other points are incorrect, and areas and shapes get distorted the more one moves away from the center of the projection.  Often used in air navigation

16  Which representation of the Earth is more accurate: globes or maps? Why?  True or False: All map projections are distorted.  What are the 6 types of map projections?  What is one advantage and one disadvantages of each map projection?

17 In reality: Greenland is 1/8 th the size of South America. How does the Mercator map distort Greenland? Greenland South America


19 How do the shapes of Africa and South America on the Peters Projection compare with the actual shapes of Africa and South America?

20 What is a disadvantage of the Robinson Projection?


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