1 Formal Synthesis and Control of Soft Embedded Real-Time Systems Pao-Ann Hsiung National Chung Cheng University Dept. of Computer Science and Information.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Formal Synthesis and Control of Soft Embedded Real-Time Systems Pao-Ann Hsiung National Chung Cheng University Dept. of Computer Science and Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Formal Synthesis and Control of Soft Embedded Real-Time Systems Pao-Ann Hsiung National Chung Cheng University Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering Chiayi – 621, Taiwan, R.O.C. 21st IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE ’ 01), August 28 – 31, 2001.

2 2 Outline Introduction Previous Work Formal Synthesis and Control Application Example Conclusion

3 3 Introduction (1) Soft Embedded Real-Time Systems (SERTS) May Miss a Few Deadlines Flexible Deadline Intervals Small Memory Footprint High Reliability and Stability

4 4 Introduction (2) SERTS Design Issues: Bounded Memory Execution Soft Real-Time Constraints Proposed Solutions: Quasi-Static Data Scheduling (QSDS) Firing-Interval Bound Synthesis (FIBS)

5 5 Previous Work (1) Formal Software Synthesis Safe Petri-Nets (PN)  QSS [Lin: DATE ’ 98, DAC ’ 98] Free-Choice PN  Net Decomposition + QSS [Sgroi: DAC ’ 99] Codesign FSM  POLIS [Balarin: ICCD ’ 99] Timed Free-Choice PN  QSS + RTS [Hsiung: CODES ’ 01]

6 6 Previous Work (2) Formal Software Verification Linear Hybrid Automata  Coverification [Hsiung: CODES ’ 99, IEE ’ 00] Timed Automata  Schedule-Verify-Map [Hsiung: COMPSAC ’ 00, JSA ’ 00] Formal OO Model  Model Checking [Hsiung: RTAS ’ 01, APSEC ’ 01]

7 7 Previous Work (3) Formal Controller Synthesis Discrete Event Model [Ramadge, Wonham: SIAM-JCO ’ 87, IEEE-Proc ’ 89] Dense-Timed Model [Asarin: Hybrid ’ 95, Maler: STACS ’ 95, Wong-Toi: CDC ’ 97] Multimedia Scheduler [Altisen: RTSS ’ 99]

8 8 Formal Synthesis & Control (1) System Model: Time Free-Choice Petri Net (TFCPN) A TFCPN is a 5-tuple (P,T,F,M 0,  ) such that: P is a set of places, T is a set of transitions, P  T  , P  T = , F : (P  T )  (T  P )  N, a set of weighted arcs such that every arc from a place is either a unique outgoing arc or a unique incoming arc to a transition (FREE-CHOICE), M 0 :P  N, the initial marking,  (t ) = ( ,  ), t  T,  : EFT,  : LFT.

9 9 Formal Synthesis & Control (2) Not A TFCPN A TFCPN

10 10 Formal Synthesis & Control (3) Soft Real-Time Behavior Model Timed Reachability Specification (TRS) A TRS for a TFCPN A = (P,T,F,M 0,  ):  ::=  ~c p |   ~c p |  1   2 ~  { , , , ,  }, p  N |P |,  1,  2 : TRS formulae Reachability Properties: safeness, deadlines, boundedness, deadlock, starvation

11 11 Formal Synthesis & Control (4) Target Problem Soft Embedded Real-Time System Synthesis Given a system modeled by a set of TFCPN S = {A i | i = 1,2, …,n} and a TRS , S is to be synthesized by scheduling and by modifying firing interval bounds such that S is made to satisfy .

12 12 Formal Synthesis & Control (5) SERTS_Synthesize(S, ,  ) { // Quasi-Static Data Scheduling (QSDS) for each A i in S { B i = CF_Generate(A i ); // B i : set of CF components for each CF component A ij in B i { QSS ij = Quasi_Static_Schedule(A ij,  ); if QSS ij = NULL { return QSS_Error;} else QSS i = QSS i  {QSS ij }; } } // Firing Interval Bound Synthesis (FIBS) if Controller_Synthesize(S, QSS 1, …, QSS n,  ) = NULL return FIBS_Error; else return Synthesized; }

13 13 Formal Synthesis & Control (6) TFCPN net decomposition Conflict-Free Components Finite Complete Cycle Deadlock-Free Quasi-Static Data Scheduled CF-Components Quasi-Static Data Scheduling (QSDS) check memory reqt. Valid Schedule

14 14 Formal Synthesis & Control (7) Firing Interval Bound Synthesis 2 issues in SERTS Control: Synchronization Wait: (after task completion) Real-Time Specification: (before deadlines) Solutions: Postpone Release Time:    +  w,  w > 0 Advance Finish Time:      n,  n >0

15 15 Formal Synthesis & Control (8) Controller_Synthesize(S, QSS 1, …, QSS n,  ) { for i = 1, …, n { for each schedule v ij  QSS i { for each t k in v ij, t k  in_trans(p), token  (p)>0, p  P i {  = (  i=0,…,k  i,  i=0,…,k  i ); //  t 0,t 1,…,t k  : prefix of v ij New_IBS i = IBS_Synthesize(v ij, t k, ,  i ); if M i =  ~c and New_IBS i > Min_IBS i {Min_IBS i = New_IBS i ;} if M i =   ~c Old_IBS i = Old_IBS i  New_IBS i ; } } if M i =  ~c and Min_IBS i  NULL IBS_assign(Min_IBS i ); else if M i =   ~c and Old_IBS i  NULL IBS_assign(Old_IBS i ); else return NULL; } return  ; }

16 16 Formal Synthesis & Control (9) Controller Synthesis Synthesizes transition firing interval bounds (FIB) such that S satisfies . Outputs minimally restricted FIB, which gives maximal sub-behavior of S satisfying .

17 17 Application Example (1) S = (F 1, F 2 )  :   7    30  0000001 

18 18 Application Example (2) Conflict-Free Components of F 1

19 19 Application Example (3) Quasi-Static Data Scheduling for F 1 v 11 = (t 11 t 12 t 11 t 12 t 14 ), 11   (v 11 )  22 v 12 = (t 11 t 13 t 15 t 15 ), 13   (v 12 )  26 Valid schedules for F 1  1 = {(t 11 t 12 t 11 t 12 t 14 ), (t 11 t 13 t 15 t 15 )}  2 = {(t 11 t 13 t 15 t 15 ), (t 11 t 12 (t 11 t 13 t 15 t 15 ) k t 11 t 12 t 14 ), k  N}

20 20 Application Example (4) Conflict-Free Components of F 2

21 21 Application Example (5) Quasi-Static Data Scheduling for F 2 v 21 = (t 21 t 22 (t 24 ) 2 (t 26 ) 4 t 28 t 29 t 26 ), 31   (v 21 )  68 v 22 = (t 21 t 23 t 25 (t 27 ) 2 t 28 t 29 t 26 ), 15   (v 22 )  36 Valid schedule for F 2  3 = {v 21, v 22 }

22 22 Application Example (6) Controller Synthesis Firing Interval Bound Synthesis for F 1 To satisfy   7, need only consider prefix of schedule v 12 = in  1 (result of prefix: 2 tokens in p 3 ): 2 + 3   (t 11 ) +  (t 13 )  3 + 5 5   (t 11 ) +  (t 13 )  8 Temporal Constraint (  7)  modify  (t 13 ) into (3, 4) from the original (3, 5)

23 23 Application Example (7) Firing Interval Bound Synthesis for F 2 To satisfy   30  0000001 , need consider both schedules v 21 and v 22 in  3 (result of prefix: 1 token in p 7 ). Prefix of v 21 : 25   (t 21 t 22 (t 24 ) 2 (t 26 ) 4 t 28 )  56 Temporal Constraint (  30)  modify  (t 28 ) into (5, 5) from the original (0, 5) Prefix of v 22 : 11   (t 21 t 23 t 25 (t 27 ) 2 t 28 )  28 Satisfaction of constraint (  30) not possible.

24 24 Conclusion Formal automatic synthesis method for memory and soft real-time constraints Memory: Timed quasi-static data scheduling Soft Real-Time Constraints: Firing- interval bound synthesis Future Work: Generalize TFCPN model

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