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2006-07 Regional Modeling Center Workplan Fire/Carbon/Dust Workshop May 24, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "2006-07 Regional Modeling Center Workplan Fire/Carbon/Dust Workshop May 24, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 2006-07 Regional Modeling Center Workplan Fire/Carbon/Dust Workshop May 24, 2006

2 Regional Modeling Center activities RMC Team is UC Riverside, ENVIRON, and University of North Carolina Same team 2001-present Activities: –Meteorological modeling & analysis –Emissions modeling & analysis for all pollutants – special projects for ammonia, fire, and windblown dust emissions –CMAQ and CAMx with PSAT gridded photochemical air quality/visibility modeling for Inter-RPO modeling domain and all Class I areas in contiguous U.S. –BART CalPuff support (modeling protocol, MM5 inputs, & CalMet/CalPuff modeling –Technology and data transfer activities for state/tribal/FLM/local agencies and research community Present team funded through early 2007 – modeling support needed in the future

3 Planned Regional Modeling Runs – May to September 2006 Regional Modeling Scenario Name PurposeTarget Completion Date Clean02aEvaluate contribution of natural emissions to modeled visibility/air qualityMay 2006 Base02bEvaluate model performance, uses actual 2002 emissionsMay 2006 Plan02bFinal 2000-04 baseline period modeling runMay 2006 Plan02b source apportionment Identify contributions of states’ source categories to 2000-04 haze at each Class I area, using actual 2002 emissions for all categories except fire, which uses 2000- 04 “typical, average” emissions July 2006 Base18bFinal 2018 base case projection modeling runMay 2006 Base18b source apportionment Identify contributions of states’ source categories to 2018 haze at each Class I area, using emissions projected for growth, control, and rules on the books July 2006 Sensitivity18a, 18bRoad dust “zero-out” and 2018 off-shore marine emissions sensitivity runsJuly 2006 PMBART18Zero-out run for PM emissions from BART sources using regional modelJuly 2006 VOCBART18Zero-out run for VOC emissions from BART sources using regional modelJuly 2006 Sensitivity18bTest suites of emissions reductions under consideration by WRAP region statesEarly Fall 2006 Additional runs Fall 2006 and Winter 2006/07 to be determined

4 WRAP Region BART Analysis Summary Step A – BART Culpability Analysis (0.5 deciview threshold for 2002 actual maximum emissions rate*) Step B – BART Engineering Analysis** Step C – 2018 Visibility Benefit Analysis for estimated emissions reduction from BART application AK WRAP RMCAlaska DECWRAP RMC AZ WRAP RMCArizona DEQWRAP RMC CA All by California ARB CO All by Colorado DPH&E: ID Idaho DEQ issued RFP with OR and WA to do steps A & C with 12km MM5 met data - ID to do step B MT All by Montana DEQ, using WRAP RMC-prepared 36km met data NV WRAP RMCNevada DEPWRAP RMC NM WRAP RMCNew Mexico EDWRAP RMC ND All by North Dakota Department of Health OR Part of ID RFP with WA to do steps A and C - see ID note above - OR to do step B SD WRAP RMC South Dakota DENR - 2 eligible sources, 1 is PM only WRAP RMC UT WRAP RMCUtah DEQWRAP RMC WA Part of ID RFP with OR to do steps A and C - see ID note above - WA to handle B? - WA and Region X are working together WY All by Wyoming DEQ, using a contractor at 12 km or 4 km MM5 met data - 18 eligible sources Tribal All federal sources as far as is known, so these are up to their respective Regional Offices *- data to be provided by permitting agency ** - may be based on separate contract support funded by Stationary Sources Joint Forum

5 CalPuff BART Modeling Activities CalPuff Modeling Activities: – see May 5 draft protocol at:, also Appendix B of 2006 Modeling Plan, below Target Completion Date Extraction of MM5 met data for specified regionsMay-June 2006 Preparation of CalMet data inputs to CalPuff modelJune 2006 Completed emissions parameter worksheets from states for BART-eligible sourcesJune 2006 CalPuff modeling activities to give results for determining “subject-to-BART” statusJuly-August 2006 Spreadsheet of results for each state’s interpretation of sources “subject-to-BART”August 2006 Results of engineering studies from states on emissions reductions on BART controlsSeptember- December 2006? CalPuff modeling activities to give results of applying BART controls at each sourceSubsequent to engineering studies Final report on RMC CalPuff modeling activities as part of final RMC project reportSpring 2007

6 Source Apportionment Modeling RMC White Paper on PM Source Apportionment Modeling Plan for using CAMx with PSAT Applies to 2 regional modeling runs: –planning02b case – represents emissions during 2000-04 regional haze baseline period – see specifications sheet –base18b case – represents emissions forecasts to 2018 accounting for growth and control programs on the books through 2004, includes corrections from base18a run – see specifications sheet Tracers: –PSAT tracers for sulfur (SOx) and nitrogen (NOx) families –Families: Sulfur – 2 tracers [SO2 i Primary SO 2 emissions; and PS4 i Particulate sulfate ion from primary emissions plus secondarily formed sulfate] Nitrogen – 7 tracers [RGN i Reactive gaseous nitrogen including primary NOx (NO + NO 2 ) emissions plus nitrate radical (NO 3 ), nitrous acid (HONO) and dinitrogen pentoxide (N 2 O 5 ); TPN i Gaseous peroxyl acetyl nitrate (PAN) plus peroxyl nitric acid (PNA); NTR i Organic nitrates (RNO 3 ); HN3 i Gaseous nitric acid (HNO 3 ); PN3 i Particulate nitrate ion from primary emissions plus secondarily formed nitrate; NH3 i Gaseous ammonia (NH 3 ); and PN4 i Particulate ammonium (NH 4 )

7 Source Apportionment Modeling, cont. Source Areas: –Each WRAP state –Pacific Off-shore Region –The group of CENRAP states –Remaining contiguous US East, including Gulf of Mexico –Mexico –Canada 6 Emissions Categories: –Point (including stationary offshore, all inland point sources + Pacific point) Point sources checked for assignment to correct state –Anthropogenic Fires (WRAP agricultural fires and anthropogenic prescribed fires) –Total mobile (on-road, off-road, including planes, trains, ships in/near port, off-shore shipping) –Natural emissions (natural fire - WRAP region wild fires, non-federal rangeland, natural prescribed fires, and wildland fire use only, biogenics) –Elevated fire sources in other RPOs (VISTAS, CENRAP, and Canada fires) –Everything else (area, all dust, fugitive ammonia, non-elevated fire sources in other RPOs)


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