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Business navigator growth hub Kerry Kyriacou 29 th January 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Business navigator growth hub Kerry Kyriacou 29 th January 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business navigator growth hub Kerry Kyriacou 29 th January 2015

2 What is the business navigator growth hub? The business navigator is a portal to business support A free and impartial sign posting service to business support services

3 Who is the service for? All small to medium enterprises From pre start, start up to established businesses.

4 What is the purpose of the business navigator? To help fast track businesses to the relevant business support required Why? o To eliminate the confusion of the vast number of services and providers. o To make the search process as painless as possible for you! o Saving you time and frustration!! o To help businesses overcome the barriers to growth, by accessing the right support, guidance & funding. o To help your business grow!

5 What are the type of services I can access? Business Advise Coaching & mentoring Access to grants & funding (as it comes & goes!) Innovation / design / research & development / commercialisation Manufacturing Specialist start up support International trade Leadership & Management

6 Who are some of the providers? UK Trade & Investment The Growth Accelerator The Manufacturing Advisory service (MAS) The Design Council Local Universities Local networks, like

7 How have we helped businesses? Innovation Growth Starting a business Grants

8 How do I know it works? Because our clients tell us it does and the concept was researched prior to its launch!

9 How do I access the service? A 20 minute phone call to your local business support navigator is all it takes 01403 333 840

10 How does the service work? You’ll be put through to your local business navigator who is trained to ask the right questions in order to understand your needs. Or you can call them direct yourself. The conversation is in confidence. With your agreement, you’ll be referred to the services that fill your needs and help you to achieve your objectives. Or sent information. Myself & my colleagues are all experienced entrepreneurs. Simple…

11 Who is the service delivered by? Funded & managed by: The Regional Growth Fund Greater Brighton City Coast to capital the Local Enterprise Partnership Delivered by locally: Croydon Business Venture Worthing and Adur, Chichester and Brighton and Hove Chambers of Commerce

12 Croydon (Ravi) The Gatwick Diamond (Martin & John) Rural West Sussex (Steve) Brighton & Hove, Lewes (Phil & Mike) Coastal West Sussex (Juliette) Coast to Capital LEP – 5 Spatial Areas

13 Thank you! To call us……Phone: 01403 333 840 Kerry: 07823 411 323

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