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Greg Kelley, Assistant Deputy Director Los Angeles County Department of Public Works SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUSTAINABLE PAVEMENT PRESERVATION ROUND TABLE.

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Presentation on theme: "Greg Kelley, Assistant Deputy Director Los Angeles County Department of Public Works SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUSTAINABLE PAVEMENT PRESERVATION ROUND TABLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greg Kelley, Assistant Deputy Director Los Angeles County Department of Public Works SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SUSTAINABLE PAVEMENT PRESERVATION ROUND TABLE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES FEBRUARY 10, 2015

2  Job Order Contract (JOC) is a flexible, cost- effective unit price contracting method used extensively by Los Angeles County Department Public Works to complete maintenance, repair, and refurbishment of County infrastructure and facilities.  LA County DPW awarded its first JOC in 1996.

3  Competitively bid.  Awarded to the lowest bidders.  Based on fixed unit costs.  Adjustment Factor for the unit costs.  $4.3 million maximum contract amount.  Contract is valid for one year.  Accordance to State Public Contracting Code.

4  All items are fixed and pre-priced.  The Adjustment Factor is competitively bid.  Accelerate project delivery.  Reduce administrative costs.  Reduce PE and CE costs.  Utilize local workers to perform at least 40% of total construction worker hours.

5 JOC documents consist of 2 components: 1.Unit Price Book (UPB) 2. Special Provisions

6  A catalog of fixed pre-priced construction activities.  The cost for each activity is priced by multiplying the number of units by the unit price in the UPB.  The amount of each Job Order is the sum of the cost of the activities multiplied by the Adjustment Factor.


8  A set of Special Provisions includes:  General Provisions  Technical Provisions (Roadway, Stripping, etc.)


10 Master Construction Activity List Unit Price Books & Master Specs JOC Book Advertise for JOC Book Award JOC Book to Contractor Work Orders PE Phase Construction Phase


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