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What war began as a protestant rebellion against the Holy Roman Empire, but then turned into a “world war” aimed at weakening the Holy Roman Empire?

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Presentation on theme: "What war began as a protestant rebellion against the Holy Roman Empire, but then turned into a “world war” aimed at weakening the Holy Roman Empire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What war began as a protestant rebellion against the Holy Roman Empire, but then turned into a “world war” aimed at weakening the Holy Roman Empire?

2 Thirty Years’ War

3 Napoleon’s return to power in France, following his exile, is known as the _____________ ________.

4 Hundred Days

5 What was the Diplomatic Revolution?

6 Major reversal of alliances in Europe.

7 Mary Wollstonecraft was an advocate for what?

8 Women’s rights.

9 What was the Partitioning of Poland?

10 The slow seizure of Polish territory.

11 Who was the leader of the Committee of Public Safety and is responsible for the execution of thousands during the Reign of Terror?

12 Maximilien Robespierre

13 What does laissez-faire mean?

14 No government regulations on the economy.

15 Which French Estate was made up of the religious clergy?

16 First Estate

17 Which European War actually began in North America where it was called the “French and Indian War”?

18 The Seven Years’ War

19 What does “divine right of kings” mean?

20 Belief that god selected the king to rule the nation.

21 Which Queen of England was determined to make England a Catholic state again?

22 Mary I or Mary Tudor

23 What is a limited constitutional monarchy? EXPLAIN!

24 Monarch remains the head of government. – Powers are severely limited.

25 What does absolutism mean?

26 King has complete and absolute control.

27 Which Queen of England wanted to strengthen the Anglican Church?

28 Queen Elizabeth I

29 King Charles I was overthrown by a Puritan group that was supported by Parliament. Who was the leader of this groups army?

30 Oliver Cromwell

31 Which Russian ruler “westernized” Russia?

32 Peter the Great or Czar Peter I

33 What religions did the English “Toleration Acts” neglect to give freedoms or liberties to?

34 Catholics and Jews

35 The first plan of government in the United States was known as the ________________. It would be replaced by the constitution about 10 years later.

36 The Articles of Confederation

37 _____________ was chosen as King Louis XIII chief minister and his goal was to make the king the supreme ruler in France.

38 Cardinal Richelieu

39 Which constitution of France set up a Limited Monarchy?

40 1791

41 During the Reign of Terror, what was the primary tool used for public execution?

42 Guillotine

43 How did Napoleon lose to the Russian’s?

44 Scorched Earth Policy

45 Which nation was France’s bitter rival during the Napoleonic Era?

46 Britain

47 What is a coup d’etat

48 Sudden overthrow of the government

49 What does universal manhood suffrage mean?

50 All men, whether they own land are not, can vote.

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