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1 100 100 100 100100 200 200 200200200 300 300 300300300 400 400 400400400

2 Describing Weather: 100 __________ describes the amount of water vapor in the air. Humidity

3 Describing Weather: 200 As you increase in altitude, what happens to the amount of air molecules in the air? They decrease

4 Describing Weather: 300 Name and describe the 3 main classifications of clouds Stratus- flat Cumulus- fluffy and perfect Cirrus- thin, wispy

5 Describing Weather: 400 Label each part of the water cycle: condensation evaporation precipitation

6 Air Masses: 100 Differentiate between a continental and a maritime air mass Continental air masses occur over land, maritime air masses occur over water

7 Air Masses: 200 What is a boundary between 2 air masses called? A front

8 Air Masses: 300 If an air mass originates from a part of the ocean on the equator it is a _________ _________ air mass. Maritime tropical

9 Air Masses: 400 When the boundaries between 2 air masses stall, and weather stays relatively the same for several days, what type of front is that? Stationary front

10 Severe Weather : 100 What type of severe storm is being shown? Hurricane

11 Severe Weather : 200 What number on the Fujita scale indicates the most damage done by a tornado? F5F5

12 Severe Weather : 300 What indicates that severe weather is occurring? Severe weather warning

13 Severe Weather : 400 What indicates that the conditions are right for severe weather, but it is not occurring yet. Severe weather watch

14 Random: 100 What is the most powerful severe storm? A hurricane!!!

15 Random: 200 What is the temperature at which air is saturated and condensation forms? (like on grass in the mornings) Dew point

16 Random: 300 What is a scientist that studies the weather called? A meteorologist

17 Random: 400 What are lines that connect all places on a map where pressure has the same value? Isobars

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