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Safeguarding and specific areas of the curriculum Karen Summers PSHE & Citizenship Adviser

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Presentation on theme: "Safeguarding and specific areas of the curriculum Karen Summers PSHE & Citizenship Adviser"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safeguarding and specific areas of the curriculum Karen Summers PSHE & Citizenship Adviser

2 Today’s seminar How does (PSHE, Sex & Relationships Education) provide learning opps for pupils to develop knowledge, skills, understanding re safeguarding? How does the OFSTED framework enable school leaders to evaluate safeguarding within the curriculum?

3 PSHE : learning opps for Safeguarding Take responsibility – i.e. for needs of others – peer mentors, buddies, mediators Feel positive about themselves/others – opps to show what they can do/how much responsibility they can take Participate in schools decision making process Make real choices/decisions about their own learning environment Meet/talk to people who offer support to young people/families, i.e. community faith leaders, community police officers

4 PSHE : learning opps for Safeguarding Develop relationships through work/play with groups that have particular needs, children with SEN, elderly Consider personal, social & moral dilemmas that they come across – i.e. encouraging respect/understanding between different ethnic groups Use case studies, simulations, scenarios, drama to explore issues, have time to reflect Identify information & advice – i.e. Childline – help self/others

5 SRE : learning opps for Safeguarding Set boundaries, ground rules, working agreement with pupils & remind at appropriate moments Clarify confidentiality/risk of significant harm Encourage taking of responsibility for what they share/group working – be clear about what they want to feedback Access to confidential services – age appropriate Explore sensitive topics using ‘distancing’ techniques, i.e. role play, case studies

6 What learning opportunities take place in school to support pupils feeling safe?

7 How does the new OFSTED framework help schools to evaluate safeguarding? A4.7 How effective are L & M – effectiveness of safeguarding procedures A2.5 Pupil outcome – the extent to which pupils feel safe Gathering the evidence for SEF– audit what you do, what difference has it made? Data - use of pupil questionnaires/OFSTED questionnaire, HABI survey, SEAL surveys, Resilience prog, HRBQ, Tellus5, use national surveys to benchmark your pupil response

8 How does the new OFSTED framework help schools to evaluate safeguarding? Pupil outcome A2.5 Keeping safe Autumn 2009 (47 schools) OutstandingGood Satisfactory 32% 57% 11% Spring 2010 (42 schools) 36%64%

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