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The Great Depression. HUSH Take Five… What did the politicians do to stop the Great Depression? What could they have done? Who were the leaders at the.

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Presentation on theme: "The Great Depression. HUSH Take Five… What did the politicians do to stop the Great Depression? What could they have done? Who were the leaders at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great Depression

2 HUSH Take Five… What did the politicians do to stop the Great Depression? What could they have done? Who were the leaders at the time of the Great Depression?

3 APUSH Take Five The 1932 nd Psalm Hoover is my Shepherd, I am in want, He maketh me lie down on park benches, He leadeth me beside still factories, He restoreth my doubt in the Republican party, He guideth me in the path of the unemployed for his party’s sake, Yea, though I walk through the alley of soup kitchens, I am hungry, I do fear evil, for thou art against me; Thy Cabinet and Senate, they do discomfort me, Thou didst prepare a reduction in my wages, In the presence of my creditors, Thou annointed my income with taxes So my expense overrunneth my income Surely poverty and hard times will follow me All the days of the Republican adminstration And I shall dwell in a rented house forever. Amen.

4 HUSH Take Five How were minorities treated during the Great Depression?

5 APUSH Take Five--The Dawes Plan (1924)-Was it a good idea?

6 Causes of the Depression Lack of Diversification Supply and Demand Indebtedness International Trade International Debt The Stock Market “Black Thursday and Black Tuesday” (10-24/29-29)

7 Results of the Depression The Collapse of Banking Institutions Mass unemployment The Dust Bowl The Grapes of Wrath “Okies” African Americans Scottsboro Case International Labor Defense Other minorities Migrant workers Women and families









16 Other Results of the Depression Escapism Radio Adventure, Romance etc. Orson Wells Movies Gone with the Wind Will Hays, Louis Mayer, Jack Warner Walt Disney Literature Life magazine



19 Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) “Blessed are the young for they will inherit the national debt”

20 Hoover’s attempts to stabilize the economy Voluntary cooperation Government spending Public works programs Agricultural Marketing Act Farm Board Hawley-Smoot Tariff 1930 Reconstruction Finance Corp.

21 An Unpopular President “Hoovervilles” Farmers’ Holiday Association “Bonus Army” Gen. Douglas McArthur Dwight Eisenhower George Patton

22 Other Political Movements American Communist Party Lincoln Brigade Popular Front Socialist Party Norman Thomas Southern Tenant Farmers Union H.L. Mitchell

23 The Election of 1932 Herbert Hoover Franklin Delano Roosevelt The New Deal

24 Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)

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