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Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanism RHS 247 Lecture 1: Introduction Dr. Aseel Alkhamees.

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1 Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing Mechanism RHS 247 Lecture 1: Introduction Dr. Aseel Alkhamees

2 General review Organs When two or more tissues combine in such a manner as to exhibit functional unity they form an organ. By definition and organ is somewhat independent part of the body that performs a special function.

3 Systems When two or more organs combine in such a manner as to exhibit functional unity they are commonly called systems. There are at least nine recognized systems in the body: 1.Skeletal system 2.Articular system 3.Muscular system 4.Digestive system 5.Vascular system 6.Nervous system 7.Respiratory system 8.Urinary system 9.Generative or productive system 10.Endocrine system 11.Integumentary system

4 Intro to Speech Mechanism Speech production consisting of four phases: respiration, phonation, articulation, and resonance. These four parts are most closely associated with speech production include the lungs, trachea, larynx, nasal cavities and the oral cavity.

5 Figure 1: schematic of the speech mechanism

6 Summary Tissues  Organ  Organs  System. Speech production phases: 1- Respiration/breathing 2- Phonation 3- Articulation 4- Resonance.

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