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Municipal Court of Atlanta 2015 Warrant Amnesty Program.

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1 Municipal Court of Atlanta 2015 Warrant Amnesty Program

2 Warrant Amnesty Overview  Warrant Amnesty period February 2, - March 27, 2015  Reduces portfolio of cases in FTA status  Offers incentives for voluntarily resolution  Only applies to cases filed before November 18, 2014  Amnesty offer also extended to individuals who reside and/or work away from metro Atlanta  Rigorous enforcement of warrants issued before November 18, 2014 once amnesty period ends

3 Warrant Amnesty = Win - Win - Win For Defendant Contempt of court fees waived – save $$$$$ For the Court Outstanding court cases resolved Minimum budget impact Allows court to focus limited resources in other operational areas. Voluntary resolution conserves APD resources Promotes officer and public safety For Law Enforcement

4 Who’s Eligible? In order to qualify for amnesty BOTH of the following conditions must be met: 1. You have an outstanding, unadjudicated citation filed at court before November 18, 2014; 2.You failed to appear at court for that citation.

5 How does amnesty work? Step 1. RESEARCH Visit the court’s website at or contact the Municipal Court Warrant Department at (404) 658-6959. Step 2. REGISTER Complete online registration form, contact us at 404 658- 6959to receive form by mail, or register in person at the court Step 3. AWAIT COMMUINICATION A court representative will make contact within 24 hours after registration has been processed. You will be contacted with instructions on next steps. Depending on the violation, an in-person court appearance may be required to resolve the case. Step 4. PAY OR APPEAR Pay the outstanding amount in full online, or by mail. You may also appear in person, though court staff will advise if an in-person court appearance is required. Step 5. AWAIT DOCUMENTATION Once payment is processed, the court will furnish the following: (1) written documentation that the warrant has been cancelled, a court release (DDS 912) form, and a certified copy of case disposition.

6 Advertising and Outreach Initiatives  Press releases  Local broadcast media  Print media  Social media  Interviews – TV & radio  Water bill insert  Television ad  Community events

7 Reporting Amnesty Outcomes A bi-weekly report on outcomes will be generated Weekly and cumulative reporting elements to include:  Total # of amnesty registrations processed  Total # cases resolved through amnesty  Total # amnesty cases resolved thru PTIT  Total # amnesty cases resolved thru Plea in-absentia  Total amount revenue generated


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