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Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah …. Biblical Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Ezra Teaches The LawNehemiah Builds The Walls.

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1 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah …

2 Biblical Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Ezra Teaches The LawNehemiah Builds The Walls

3 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  It is the month Nisan 2:1a [Mar/Apr]  The first month on the Jewish calendar  It has been approx. 4 months since Hanani spoke to Nehemiah 1:1-3  Nehemiah was waiting for the best opportunity to act…perhaps he knew of Artaxerxes’ earlier actions Ezra 4:7-23

4 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah & Artaxerxes I 2:1b-8  Nehemiah had not been sad in the king’s presence v. 1b  Unlawful to do so Esth 4:1-2  Artaxerxes sees Nehemiah’s sadness and inquires…Nehemiah is afraid v. 2  Nehemiah admits why he is sad v. 3

5 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah & Artaxerxes I 2:1b-8  The king simply asked “What do you request?” v. 4a  Nehemiah said another prayer v. 4b  This was precisely the favor he had earlier sought when he prayed 1:11a  Now was not the time to be timid

6 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah & Artaxerxes I 2:1b-8  Nehemiah’s initial response v. 5  “Send me to Judah…that I may rebuild it”  Artaxerxes’ follow-up questions v. 6a  “How long will your journey be?”  “When will you return?”

7 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah & Artaxerxes I 2:1b-8  Nehemiah’s follow-up response vv. 6b-8a  He gave definite details  He requested letters of authorization to show to governors in the surrounding area  He requested letters of authorization re: raw materials needed to rebuild the city

8 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah & Artaxerxes I 2:1b-8  The king’s permission v. 8b  Nehemiah credited “…the good hand of his God”  Similar to how Ezra credited God for all the good fortune he experienced when he led the 2nd return Ezra 7:6b, 9b, 28b 8:22a

9 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah arrives in Judea 2:9  He shows the letters of authorization  The enemies show their anger 2:10  Sanballat (Horonite) & Tobiah (Ammonite) were not happy someone had come to “…seek the welfare of the sons of Israel”

10 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem 2:11-16  He waits for 3 days  He inspects the walls at night  “I turned back…” [KJV] (possible explanation for shortened inspection)

11 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah Nehemiah’s Inspection Of Jerusalem’s Walls Neh. 2:12-15 Dangerous 2:14

12 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem 2:11-16  He waits for 3 days  He inspects the walls at night  “I turned back…” [KJV] (possible explanation for shortened inspection)  “…I mourned over the wall” vv. 13, 15 [Septuagint]

13 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah arrives in Jerusalem 2:11-16  Re: his plans… vv. 12a, 16  He decided not to tell anyone before-hand what God had put into his mind  The officials did not know where he had gone when he inspected the walls

14 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah’s exhortation 2:17-18  He admitted the conditions were bad  He encouraged them to join him in re-building Jerusalem “…so that it may no longer be a reproach”  He also told them how God had provided favorability through Artaxerxes

15 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  The enemies’ reaction 2:19  They mocked & despised the remnant decision to re-build  They try to use slander…an attempt that had proven successful Ezra 4:7-23  Always faced by God’s people when they are opposed 1 Pet 2:9-12 2 Pet 3:1-3

16 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  Nehemiah’s response 2:20  The remnant would not be intimidated  God was going to give them success  As for the enemies, they had no portion nor standing in the matter  Similar to Zerubbabel’s answer given 91 years earlier Ezra 4:3

17 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  The list of re-builders 3:1-32  It provides some noteworthy lessons… Ê How the project was “managed”  Not as 1 gigantic job…it was divided up into manageable sections  Facilitated getting more people involved  Everyone provided something Eph 4:16

18 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  The list of re-builders 3:1-32  It provides some noteworthy lessons… Ê How the project was “managed”  Several were stationed & worked near their own homes vv. 10, 21, 23, 28-30  Created a greater sense of ownership  Guaranteed a high quality of work

19 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  The list of re-builders 3:1-32  It provides some noteworthy lessons… Ë Sadly, there are some among God’s people who don’t support the work v. 5b  Those who didn’t participate appeared to be leaders of some type  Non-supportive leaders only discourage

20 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah The 3rd Return Neh 2-3  The list of re-builders 3:1-32  It provides some noteworthy lessons… Ì There are always those who do more than their fair share vv. 11, 19-21, 24, 27, 30  Others’ refusal will not “doom the work”  There will be those who love the Lord enough to pick up the slack

21 Lessons From Ezra & Nehemiah …

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