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Inequalities in One Variable.  Use the same process for solving an equation with TWO exceptions: ◦ 1) Always get the variable alone on the LEFT side.

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Presentation on theme: "Inequalities in One Variable.  Use the same process for solving an equation with TWO exceptions: ◦ 1) Always get the variable alone on the LEFT side."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inequalities in One Variable

2  Use the same process for solving an equation with TWO exceptions: ◦ 1) Always get the variable alone on the LEFT side. ◦ 2) If you MULTIPLY or DIVIDE by a NEGATIVE number, you FLIP the inequality sign!  Instead of a single answer, the solution will be a range of numbers. (Like x < 2)

3  1) Draw a number line.  2) Place a Circle above the number in your solution. ◦ IF, make it an open circle … o ◦ IF, make it a closed circle…  3) Shade one side of the number line. ◦ IF < or <, shade to the LEFT ◦ If > or >, shade to the RIGHT

4  1) -4n – 6 > 4n- 20  2) 2(x + 4) < 6x – 9  3) ½ (8x – 6) > 5x + 2  4) 1.2x + 3.1 < 3.5x – 3.8

5  5) -2(-5 – x)> 3(x + 2)+ 4 – x  6) 3(x + 5) < 6x – 3x + 20  7) 3 (n – 4) > 2 (n – 4) 4 3

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