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Energy Concept Map 8 TH GRADE SCIENCE. 8th Grade Science 09/25/2014  Essential Question - What is energy?  Objectives - I can...  Describe energy 

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1 Energy Concept Map 8 TH GRADE SCIENCE

2 8th Grade Science 09/25/2014  Essential Question - What is energy?  Objectives - I can...  Describe energy  Explain the different forms of energy  Explain how energy can be transferred by waves  Bell Ringer - Copy and answer the following question on your bell ringer sheet:  How can you determine the speed of a wave?  Determine the speed of the wave in the picture. 2 cm

3 Your Task for today: 1. Grade Quizzes 2. Reflection sheet 3. Create a concept map 4. REMINDER - QUIZ TOMORROW!!

4 Grade Quizzes  Write your name on the bottom of the quiz you are correcting.  ONLY MARK an "X" on the incorrect question number  Write the score in the side box.

5 Reflection Sheet 1. Complete the reflection sheet for only the targets that you took your quiz over. 2. Circle the targets that you need to study more. 3. Put your quiz behind your reflection sheet and pass to the person all the way to the left when you are finished.

6 Concept Map Assignment You will create a concept map of Energy using the following terms. You must use all of the terms!!!!  Energy  Definition - the ability to move or do work  Law of conservation of energy - (write out definition)  Forms of energy  Waves  Mechanical waves  electromagnetic waves  compressional waves  transverse waves  kinetic energy  potential energy  Thermal energy  Electrical energy  Sound energy  Electromagnetic energy  Nuclear energy  Mechanical energy  Chemical energy  Energy transfer  the sun

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