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1 THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Houston, April 2014 TECHNICAL REGULATION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION KONSTANTIN V. LEONIDOV Director, Department of state policy in technical regulation and uniformity of measurements

2 1 Main elements of technical regulation system TECHNICAL REGULATION Accreditation Standardization Market surveillance Assessment (confirmation) of conformity Technical regulations Determination of liability Assurance of uniformity of measurements

3 2 Technical regulation in the Russian Federation Technical regulation in the Russian Federation The Customs Union and the Single Economic Space legislation in the field of technical regulation The national legislation in the field of technical regulation Multilateral Trading System  Norms and principles of the WTO  Obligations of the Russian Federation after accession to the WTO  Unified list of products subject to mandatory assessment (confirmation) of conformity in the Customs Union issuing unified documents (Transitional Period)  Technical regulations of the Customs Union (have a direct application on the single custom territory of the CU)  Unified lists of products subject to mandatory confirmation of compliance  Technical regulations of the Russian Federation

4 Distribution of functions and powers between the Euroasian Economic Commission and the National Governments 3 Euroasian Economic Commission Main functions and powers in the field of Technical Regulation determination of mandatory requirements for products – development, adoption, amendment and cancellation of the CU technical regulations adoption, amendment of lists of standards, which are ensuring compliance with the CU technical regulations requirements adoption of the uniform sign of circulation of products in the market of states- members of the CU adoption, amendment of the Unified list of products, for which mandatory requirements within the Customs Union are established Single permanent body of the Customs Union and the Single Economic space National Governments  accreditation of certification bodies and testing laboratories  conformity assessment activities  market surveillance to ensure products in conformity with mandatory requirements of technical regulations  determination of liability in the field of technical regulation  assurance of uniformity of measurements  development of technical regulations and standards adoption legal documents which are required for functioning of the CU technical regulation system maintenance of the Uniform register of authorities for certification and testing laboratories (centers) of the CU the national legislations should not contain mandatory requirements for products not included on the list adoption programs of development of interstate standards for technical regulations

5  bilateral and multilateral dialogue with foreign partners regarding technical regulation, standardization and the assurance of uniformity of measurements  implementation of the obligations regarding technical barriers in trade which the Russian Federation bears because of the accession to the WTO Technical regulation in the Russian Federation coordination of activities of federal executive bodies in this field formation of state policy in the field of technical regulation and assurance of uniformity of measurements  development of technical regulations of the Customs Union and its amendments  representation of the Russian Federation position at Advisory committee on technical regulation, application of sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures of EEC meetings  harmonization of National legislation in the field of technical regulation to the regulatory acts of the CU and the Single Economic Space  building of the Russian Federation position on drafts of regulatory acts of Euroasian Economic Commission in the field of technical regulation The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation Main Functions and Powers in the field of technical regulation 4

6 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation № 982, December 1, 2009 Stages of exception of product categories from the Uniform lists of production subject to mandatory conformity assessment 5 - Products subject to the declaration of compliance- Products subject to mandatory certification

7  currently are not are developed  currently applied in the Russian Federation prior to the CU Technical Regulations entry into force Technical Regulations of the Russian Federation 6 National Technical Regulations Technical Regulations of the CU 1. Technical Regulations on milk and dairy products On safety of milk and dairy production (TR CU 033/2013), come into force on 01.05.2014 2.Technical Regulations on fire safety requirement 3.Technical Regulations on tobacco products 4.Technical Regulations on safety of buildings 5. Technical Regulations on emission requirements for motor vehicles manufactured in the circulation in the territory of the Russian Federation, harmful substances (pollutants) 6. Technical Regulations on wheeled vehicles safety Technical Regulations on wheeled vehicles safety (TR CU 018/2011), come into force on 01.01.2015 7.Technical Regulations on sea transport facilities safety 8. Technical Regulations on objects of inland waterway transport safety 9. Technical regulations on gas networks distribution and consumption safety 10. Technical Regulations on safety requirements for blood and its products, blood-substituting solutions and technical means used in the fluid transfusion therapy

8 within the single customs territory of the Customs Union the following technical regulations came into force Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 7 Since 2012:  On safety of pyrotechnic articles (TR CU 006/2011)  On safety of personal protective equipment (TR CU 019/2011)  On safety of packaging (TR CU 005/2011)  On safety of products for children and adolescents (TR CU 007/2011)  On safety of toys (TR CU 008/2011)  On safety of perfumes and cosmetic products (TR CU 009/2011)  On safety of light industry products (TR CU 017/2011)  On requirements for automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil (TR CU 013/2011)

9 within the single customs territory of the Customs Union the following technical regulations came into force Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 8 Since 2013:  On safety of low voltage equipment (TR CU 004/2011)  On safety of machinery and equipment (TR CU 010/2011)  On safety of lifts (TR CU 011/2011)  On safety of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (TR CU 012/2011)  On safety of equipment using gaseous fuels (TR CU 016/2011)  On electromagnetic compatibility of technical means (TR CU 020/2011)  On safety of grain (TR CU 015/2011)  On safety of food products (TR CU 021/2011)  Labeling of foodstuffs (TR CU 022/2011)  Technical Regulation on juice products from fruits and vegetables (TR CU 023/2011)  Technical Regulation on oil and fat products (TR CU 024/2011)  On safety of some types of specialized food products, including clinical nutrition and dietary preventive nutrition (TR CU 027/2012)  Safety requirements for food additives, flavorings and processing aids (TR CU 029/2012)

10 Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 9 Within the single customs territory of the Customs Union the following CU Technical Regulations come into force on 2014-2015: 01.02.1401.03.1401.07.1415.07.1401.01.1515.02.15  Furniture products  Explosives and products on their basis  Railway rolling stock  High-speed railway transport  Railway transport infrastructure  Wheeled vehicles  Motor road  Agricultural and forestry tractors and their trailers  Small size vessels  Pressure equipment  Lubricants, oils and special liquids Date of entry into force

11 adopted internal procedures finished Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 10 entry into force in 2013-2015 entered into force public discussion finished under development Technical Regulations Development steps Adopted Technical Regulations

12 Assurance of application of Technical Regulations requirements 11 In order to implement the Customs Union technical regulations requirements:  more than 7500 of standards are applied  23 Interstate standards development programs  23 Interstate standards development programs for technical regulation specify creation of 1299 standards  65 % of it is developed by the Russian Federation 10011375 1001 certification bodies and 1375 testing laboratories are accredited on performance of evaluation of compliance to the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union on the territory of the Russian Federation and included in the Unified register of certification bodies and test laboratories of the Customs Union Control (supervision) of observance of mandatory requirements is imposed on authorized bodies of the state control (supervision) which are defined by each Party

13 The authorized bodies on market surveillance in the Russian Federation 12  13 Technical Regulation of the CU entered into force in 2013,  authorized bodies for control (supervision) of observance of technical regulation requirements were appointed in the Russian Federation: Technical Regulations of the CUAuthorized bodies on market surveillance 1. On safety of low voltage equipment  Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadzor)  Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology (Rosstandart) 2. On safety of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres  Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Service of Russia (Rostechnadzor)  Rosstandart 3. On safety of machinery and equipment  Rospotrebnadzor  Rostechnadzor  Rosstandart 4. On safety of lifts  Rostechnadzor  Rosstandart 5. On safety of equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres  Rostechnadzor  Rosstandart 6. On electromagnetic compatibility of technical meansRosstandart

14 The authorized bodies on market surveillance in the Russian Federation 13 Technical Regulations of the CUAuthorized bodies on market surveillance 7. On safety of food products  Rospotrebnadzor  Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor)  Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation (Rosalkogolregulirovanie) 8. On safety of grain  Rosselkhoznadzor  Rospotrebnadzor 9. Labeling of foodstuffsRospotrebnadzor 10. Technical Regulation on juice products from fruits and vegetables Rospotrebnadzor 11. Technical Regulation on oil and fat productsRospotrebnadzor 12. On safety of some types of specialized food products, including clinical nutrition and dietary preventive nutrition Rospotrebnadzor 13. Safety requirements for food additives, flavorings and processing aids Rospotrebnadzor

15 STANDARDIZATION Dangerous products Processes affecting safety Development of National Standardization System 14 TECHNICAL REGULATION 25% from the whole range of products Quality and competitiveness of products, operations and services Protection of labor  state policy in the field of standardization  new types of documents on standardization - introduction of technical terms into the structure of documents on standardization  use of the method of reference to national standards in the regulatory acts  determination of the mechanism of revising of national standards to which the method of “reference to standards” in the regulatory acts is used  development of national system of standardization organizational structure, ensuring availability of national standards Legal innovation of federal law draft «On standardization in the Russian Federation» Management system Services FEDERAL LAW DRAFT «On standardization in the Russian Federation» Terms and definitions

16 Houston, April 2014 Thank you for your attention! KONSTANTIN V. LEONIDOV Director, Department of state policy in technical regulation and uniformity of measurements THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION


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