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By April Hutchens, Blakely Arnspiger, Jordan Wainright, Samantha Muniz LITR 3130 B.

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Presentation on theme: "By April Hutchens, Blakely Arnspiger, Jordan Wainright, Samantha Muniz LITR 3130 B."— Presentation transcript:

1 By April Hutchens, Blakely Arnspiger, Jordan Wainright, Samantha Muniz LITR 3130 B

2  Influence the readers’ opinion  Heavily relied on facts, not opinions  Use descriptions and details relevant to the topic  Provide strong visual images  Topic, audience, reasons, and supporting details

3  Prewriting stage  Brainstorm your ideas to make connections between new and old information  Demonstrate understanding and reviewing concepts  No complete sentences or correct spelling  Topic: Habitats  Audience: Governor of Georgia




7  A natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organisms.

8  Mountains  Blue Ridge Mountains  Coast/Ocean  Atlantic Ocean  Piedmont  Rolling hills  Marsh/swamp

9 Animals, Plants, and Living Organisms Habitats in Georgia  Mountains  Blue Ridge Mountains  Coast/Ocean  Atlantic Ocean  Piedmont  alligators  sea turtles  sharks  dolphins  birds  flowers and trees  deer  bear  amphibians

10  The teacher will show and explain the model  Show model of graphic organizer




14  Students will get into their groups and come up with 3 supporting details on their topics.  Topics:  Mountains  Piedmonts  Oceans  Coasts




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