Justin Weligamage Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland, Australia Collaboration and Partnership in Managing Skid Resistance for TMR Queensland.

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Presentation on theme: "Justin Weligamage Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland, Australia Collaboration and Partnership in Managing Skid Resistance for TMR Queensland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Justin Weligamage Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland, Australia Collaboration and Partnership in Managing Skid Resistance for TMR Queensland

2 Queensland Roads Queensland road network 180,500km State-controlled 34,000km Traffic 50 to 140,000 veh per day Replacement value $53.9b

3 Introduction

4 Management of Skid Resistance

5 Skid Resistance Management Plan (SRMP) SRMP is a management plan Introduces: –a clear objective for QDMR for managing SR –a clear strategy for achieving the objective –2 new KPIs to track progress towards objective Describes the necessary action Contains a timetable for the main actions Includes a review process

6 Collaboration – A process where people with diverse interests share knowledge and resources to improve outcomes and /or enhance decisions Partnership – a relationship where people work together to achieve goals that are meaningful for all parties -An arrangement where entities and/or individuals agree to cooperate to advance their interests. What do we mean by Collaboration and Partnership

7 Why collaboration, partnerships are important Collaboration and Partnerships is an ideal response to our current complex problems. Partnerships have widely varying results and can present partners with special challenges.

8 Why collaboration, partnerships are important specifically to TMR TMR supports government projects and programmes, and seeks to contribute to the development of enabling policy frameworks for management of skid resistance at the state and national level. –In doing so, it works as a partner of those governments, society, various industries, as well as the private sector and other national and international agencies.

9 Why collaboration, partnerships are important specifically to TMR conti.. Many challenges of skid resistance management are becoming increasingly complex because of scientific and technological advances, social and economic developments –No single institution can possess the expertise and infrastructure needed to address these. Collaboration has become a prerequisite for success.

10 It has become increasingly clear over the past few years, with challenges of legal impacts, that technological innovations in the form of new vehicles, new data collection equipment, treatment methods –Achieving such breakthroughs will require strong and effective linkages between research, innovation, adaptation and delivery systems that can respond to new and rapidly changing needs in real time. Why collaboration, partnerships are important specifically to TMR conti..

11 Linkages are needed for sharing experiences, insights and good practices to improve program impact and to bring ground-level concerns and perspectives to bear on policymaking processes. –Partnerships that facilitate such collaboration can contribute to more relevant and responsive practices and policies and strengthen the capacity of asset manager to influence decisions that affect managing skid resistance.

12 Why collaboration, partnerships are important specifically to TMR conti.. The scale of financial, technical and infrastructure resources required to address the challenges indicated above almost certainly exceed those currently available. –Collective, “joined-up” arrangements are essential to optimise the value of investments.

13 SRMP Development phase

14 Process in general Inform Provide Objective information Project plan Consult Obtain Feedback Survey Involve Workshops Collaborate Partnering process to a decision

15 SRMP Implementation phase Skid Resistance Management Plan (SRMP) Promotion through technical forum Workshops & trainings for operational staff Research and development Participation in various stakeholder groups Publication standard and policy decisions Strategic study Governance Local Interstate International Regional staff Corporate staff CRC Universities ARRB SRA Industry Industry groups Motor bicycle Police Expert panel SCRIM Vericom test procedure Friction coat on steel plates Ramps report Investment analysis for skid resistance element management Skid Resistance Steering Committee (SRSC) Skid Resistance Reference Group (SRRG)

16 Some benefits of successful partnerships and collaborative relationships Shared resources Shared expertise Professional development - unexpected learning can take place Working together towards common goals Raising the profile of your organisation Providing benchmarking for research practices or workplace practices Shared learning Better engagement Joint funding for projects or initiatives Less duplication of programs/services

17 Challenges Accountability Control Expectations Ownership Representation Trust Need sound governance principles Need well define systematic Institutional approach

18 Current Partnerships Corporative Research Centre for Infrastructure Asset management – CIEAM Australian Asphalt Pavement Association - AAPA ARRB group WDM Ltd

19 Conclusion Partnerships are central and essential to TMR’s effectiveness in fulfilling the need for multi-sectoral, multi-functional approaches to address increasingly complex challenges in the management of skid resistance. Stronger partnerships are required to link research, innovation, adaptation and delivery systems to bring critical technological breakthroughs. Partnerships are also needed for sharing experiences, insights and good practices to improve programme impact and to bring ground-level concerns and perspectives to bear on policymaking processes.

20 Given the scale of resources needed to address current challenges, collective arrangements are essential for optimising the value of investments. TMR will continue to strengthen its capacity for effective collaboration and partnership in priority areas and will build on its experience to undertake a more systematic and strategic overall approach to partnership. –It will continue to develop its strategic partnerships. –It will work to increase the volume and effectiveness of co- financing. –It will also strengthen partnerships and participate in networks to link ground-level innovations and best practices with stakeholders that can replicate and scale up initiatives for greater results. Conclusion conti..

21 TMR will continue to collaborate with others to inform and influence policy, strengthen harmonization and improve standards, norms, and measures of development effectiveness Conclusion conti..

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