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Your Outcome, Their Outcome Philippa Codd Development Director – Care UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Outcome, Their Outcome Philippa Codd Development Director – Care UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Outcome, Their Outcome Philippa Codd Development Director – Care UK

2 Your Outcome - Provider The future of Social Care offers real challenges that equally effect Commissioners & Providers alike, such as:- –Changing expectations about what are acceptable ways to meet need. –The shift towards an ‘outcome’ focus to commissioning & provision. –Resources not keeping up with demand. –Different terminology –The transformation taking place at varying degrees of pace –Investment in change –Training, Skills and Workforce Development –Simple or Complicated?

3 Your Outcome - Provider Whose taking the lead? Where are the guidelines? Where is the investment coming from? –Transformation Agenda –Training funding What is CSCI putting into place now to change the way in which they are going to inspect into the future (can’t wait too long) and how is this being communicated regionally? Providers misrepresented Need to decide what’s right for their businesses

4 Your Outcome – Provider Sharing Experience You understand outcome based care – what does your own model look like? Develop your framework and process to support it (care planning, review, finance, HR, Compliance, Training, Quality, Policy & Procedures) How will you gather management information – call monitoring, reviews etc and how will you use this? Decide who you want to strategically partner Carry out a skills analysis of your workforce Become a Project Manager and draw up a plan from week 1 to week 52, 104 etc Partner other providers and share learning & training – enough work for all Build information databases What are the fundamental changes to the way in which your staff will be working in the future and how are you going to communicate this to them (long process). How will you communicate the changes to the service users or should you? Who is the champion?

5 Your Outcome - Commissioner Identify a champion Decide whether to pilot or whole system change Strong partnership approach with provider(s) Investment Joint project plan – stakeholder meetings Communicate strategic outcomes, difficulties and allow any pilot to become a moveable feast Joint training to achieve a consistent approach Baseline evaluation Be very clear about expectations Allow provider to contribute to identifying outcomes Decide what management information you want collated and how this is going to be achieved (call monitoring etc) – keep it simple and achievable Support – this is a huge change and cannot be done overnight!

6 Their Outcome – Service User Enabling In Control – at the centre Encouragement Enablement Plan/Review Care does not have to be for life The service should support the service user during the periods that are needed and not as assessed on day one Involve the service users in the development of your service – they know best How did they live their lives before receiving care Signposting to strategic partners Achieving health & well-being Change, maintenance, Improvement outcomes – don’t forget the pink fluffy ones! Be realistic – the service should simply be supporting an individual to remain living at home as independently as possible, continuing a standard living and life style as they wish and are able to achieve with the support of a homecare service

7 Finally This is not about hand gliding or climbing Mount Everest – its just about the things all of us take for granted and do everyday Keep it simple to achieve the change The Change is good and should be embraced – but don’t underestimate the amount of work there is to be done on all sides. Group Discussion Questions & Feedback

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