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Reading Assignment: Chapter 14 Hagfishes and Lampreys end 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Reading Assignment: Chapter 14 Hagfishes and Lampreys end 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reading Assignment: Chapter 14 Hagfishes and Lampreys end 2008

2 Summary: 1. Rover predators 2. Lie-in-wait predators 3. Surface oriented fishes 4. Bottom fishes 5. Deep Bodied fishes 6. Eel-like fishes end

3 3. Surface-Oriented fishes Often small Upward tending mouth (superior or superterminal) Dorsoventrally flattened head Adapted to surface life Poeciliidae-live bearers guppies mollies Gambusia mosquitofish end

4 Four-eyed fish end

5 Cyprinodontidae-pupfish, killifish banded killifish end

6 betas archerfish Other surface oriented fishes Gambusia end


8 4. Bottom fishes (benthic) Swimbladder reduced or absent flattened dorsoventrally (depressed) Atlantic halibut end

9 Bottom fishes continued Specialized structures: sensory structures barbels, fin rays modified fins (darters, clingfishes) barbels end

10 sea robin end

11 flounders soles tonguefish Pleuronectiformes-flatfishes end

12 hog choker end

13 Acipenseridae--sturgeons lake sturgeon end

14 Skates & rays end


16 5. Deep-bodied fishes Laterally flattened (compressed) Dorsal and anal fins long Pectoral fins high on body Pelvic fins thoracic Mouth protrusible Fin spines French angelfish lookdown butterfly fish maneuverability end

17 Centrarchidae-crappies & sunfishes bluegill end


19 6. Eel-like fishes-- elongated bodies Paired fins reduced or absent Dorsal and anal fins long Scales small or absent Flexible bodies Adapted for small crevices end

20 American eel slime eel snake eel end

21 moray eel end


23 Evolution of Gnathostomes end

24 Cenozoic Mesozoic 65 Paleozoic 248 590 mya PeriodsEra Permian Cretaceous Quaternary Cambrian 505 Ordovician 438 Silurian 408 Devonian 360 Carboniferous 286 Triassic 213 Jurassic 144 Tertiary 2 ostracoderms origin Myxini ? Ceph. placoderms Elasmobranchii Holocephali Acanthodii Chondrostei sharks skates rays gar bowfin Teleostei ChondrichthyesActinoptergii Sarcopterygii lungfish coelacanth amphibians ostracoderm placoderm end


26 Skull--cartilaginous trough; jawless Notochord No appendicular skeleton Myxini--hagfishes end

27 Cephalaspidomorphi-lampreys Skull--cartilaginous trough; jawless cartilaginous vertebrae, no centra No appendicular skeleton end

28 Placodermi-placoderms first jaws Skull--first jawed fishes; bony tooth plates end

29 Chondrichthyes- sharks, skates, rays, ratfishes Skull--cartilaginous; jaws protrusible, first true teeth cartilaginous vertebrate with centra Pelvic and pectoral fins well developed end

30 Osteichthyes-bony fishes puffer Skull--cartilaginous or bony; jaws with teeth; jaws variable cartilaginous or bony vertebral column with centra pelvic and pectoral fins well developed end

31 gut cranium mouth Evolution of the jaw Primitive jawless stage gill slits visceral cartilages 8-9 arches end

32 hypothetical placoderm jaw mandibular arch end

33 chondirchthyian hyoid arch spiracle end

34 Osteichthyian skull --5 elements 1. neurocranium 2. jaw 4. branchiohyoid apparatus 3. suspensorium 5. opercular bones end

35 END

36 Print next slide for student note- taking Do not show this slide or next

37 65 248 590 mya PeriodsEra ?

38 Grand Forks Inkster Ardoch Manvel Forest River Hwy 18 Hwy 1 to Johnstown I29 Hwy 18 UND Biol. Area 0.5 mi 3 mi tree line Turn right on gravel road just past tree line, go north for 0.5 mi, turn right on two-track road just before Farm house, pass ravine on left and turn left following Ravine on the left, stop by chain link fence compound. stop here farm house I29 Hwy 81

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