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Our Soil in Danger! By Gary, Rachel, David and Jessica Hi everybody, I’m dirt dude, and I’m here to warn people that the earth’s soil is in great danger!

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Presentation on theme: "Our Soil in Danger! By Gary, Rachel, David and Jessica Hi everybody, I’m dirt dude, and I’m here to warn people that the earth’s soil is in great danger!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Soil in Danger! By Gary, Rachel, David and Jessica Hi everybody, I’m dirt dude, and I’m here to warn people that the earth’s soil is in great danger! You might not notice, but arable land, which means land that is able to grow crops on, is running out! If soil runs out, that means we won’t be able to grow plants, and we’ll run out of food! Every year, more than 3000 tons of soil is washed away or eroded. The decreasing of soil is happening rapidly, and it’s about time we took notice of it!

2 Our Soil Disappearing Our soil is disappearing, bit by bit, and we’ll run out of it soon if we don’t do something! Just like the background, soil can dry up and crack, making it impossible to farm on or recover it. Most people don’t recognize this problem as an biodiversity threat, but because they don’t the problem is getting worse, and our fertile soil will soon all be gone!

3 Why is soil so important? Soil is important because it is needed to grow plants. Without it, trees, grass, vegetables we eat; everything will not be able to grow! Without plants, herbivores won’t have anything to eat, and when they starve, carnivores are affected too, and eventually, us, humans! If we continue to turn a blind eye to soil loss, humans will eventually suffer the consequences.

4 Advantages of the Usages of Soil Digging up soil is not always bad. Sometimes we have to do it for building homes. It’s not bad, but we shouldn’t cross the line.

5 Disadvantages of the Usage of Soil Using up too much land for buildings cause the soil to disappear. People are using more and more land for homes, companies, factories, etc. Just like the background, humans are taking up huge amounts of spaces for buildings.

6 Why Soil is Disappearing? Grasslands in America used to have up to 5 meters of soil underneath the grass, almost 13 times more than we have now; 40 centimeters. Because the amount of farms is increasing, and they harvest their crops every winter, the soil have no protection when the rains or floods come, because there are no stems to keep it in place.

7 Where did Nature Go? Where did our natural, unpolluted ecosystem go? Let’s all help recover it!

8 Ways to Help Save Soil Warn your friends and families, and ask them to pass the news on to other people. Make posters to warn people. Raise funds and donate to the people that help save soil.

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